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There are 13 six-letter words containing A, F, G and O

FAGGOTfaggot n. (Chiefly Britain, collective) A bundle of sticks or brushwood intended to be used for fuel tied together…
faggot n. (Obsolete) Burdensome baggage.
faggot n. A bundle of pieces of iron or steel cut off into suitable lengths for welding.
FAGOTSfagots n. Plural of fagot.
FAGOT v. to bind together in a bundle, also FAGGOT.
FANGOSFANGO n. (Italian) clay or mud from thermal springs in Italy, used in curing gout.
FLAGONflagon n. A large vessel resembling a jug, usually with a handle, lid, and spout, for serving drinks such as cider…
flagon n. (Archaic) A large bottle for drinks such as beer, cider, or wine; also, a bottle with a cap used by travellers.
FLAGON n. a large vessel containing drink for use at table, usually with a handle, spout, and lid.
FOGASHfogash n. Alternative form of fogas (“the fish”).
FOGASH n. (Hungarian) a fish, the pikeperch.
FOGMANfogman n. (Rail transport, historical) A railwayman who placed fog signals (detonators) on the track at distant…
FOGMAN n. a person who sets railway fog-signals, also FOGGER.
FOGRAMfogram n. (Obsolete) A fogey; a person with old-fashioned views.
FOGRAM n. a person with an old-fashioned outlook, also FOGY, FOGEY, FOGIE.
FORAGEforage n. Fodder for animals, especially cattle and horses.
forage n. An act or instance of foraging.
forage n. (Obsolete) The demand for fodder etc by an army from the local population.
FORGATforgat v. (Obsolete) simple past tense of forget.
FORGET v. to fail to remember.
FRAGORfragor n. A loud and sudden sound; the report of anything bursting; a crash.
fragor n. (Obsolete, proscribed) A strong or sweet scent; fragrance.
FRAGOR n. a crash.
FUGATOfugato n. (Music) A fugal passage in a composition that is not a strict or complete fugue.
FUGATO n. (Italian) a fugal composition.
GANOFSganofs n. Plural of ganof.
OFLAGSoflags n. Plural of oflag.
OFLAG n. (German) a prisoner of war camp for officers.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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