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There are 17 six-letter words containing A, F, G and I

FAAINGFAA v. (Scots) to fall.
FACINGfacing adj. Positioned so as to face (in a particular direction).
facing adj. (Rail transport, of points and crossovers) Diverging in the direction of travel.
facing n. The most external portion of exterior siding.
FADINGfading v. Present participle of fade.
fading n. The process by which something fades; gradual diminishment.
fading n. (Obsolete) An Irish dance.
FAGINSfagins n. Plural of fagin.
Fagins n. Plural of Fagin.
FAGIN n. an adult who instructs others in crime.
FAKINGfaking v. Present participle of fake.
FAKE v. to contrive and present as genuine.
FAMINGfaming v. Present participle of fame.
FAME v. to make famous.
FARINGfaring n. An adventure, trek, journey.
faring n. (Scotland, obsolete) Alternative form of fairing (something edible; fare).
faring v. Present participle of fare.
FATINGfating v. (Rare) present participle of fate.
FATE v. to destine.
FAXINGfaxing v. Present participle of fax.
FAX v. to send messages via a machine that scans electronically.
FAYINGfaying v. Present participle of fay.
FAY v. to clean out esp. a ditch.
FAZINGfazing v. Present participle of faze.
FIGJAMFIGJAM phr. Acronym of fuck I’m good, just ask me.
FIGJAM n. (Australian slang) a conceited person.
FINGANFINGAN n. (Arabic) the handleless coffee cup which fits within a zarf, also FINJAN.
GAMIFYgamify v. (Transitive) To convert into the form of a game.
GAMIFY v. to adapt (a task) so that it takes on the form of a game.
GASIFYgasify v. To convert into gas, or an aeriform fluid, as by the application of heat, or by chemical processes.
GASIFY v. to convert into gas.
SAFINGsafing v. Present participle of safe.
safing n. (Space science) The process of (a spacecraft) entering safe mode.
SAFE v. (obsolete) to make safe.
ZAFTIGzaftig adj. (US, colloquial, of a woman) Having a plump and sexually attractive figure; voluptuous, well-proportioned; large.
ZAFTIG adj. (Yiddish) having a full rounded figure, pleasingly plump, also ZOFTIG.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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