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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 12 six-letter words containing A, E, O and U

AERUGOaerugo n. Metallic rust, particularly of brass or copper; verdigris.
ærugo n. Archaic form of aerugo.
AERUGO n. (Latin) a green film that forms on copper, also ERUGO.
AROUSEarouse v. (Transitive) To stimulate or induce (feelings).
arouse v. (Transitive) To sexually stimulate.
arouse v. (Transitive) To wake from sleep or stupor; to rouse.
AUTOEDautoed v. Simple past tense and past participle of auto.
AUTO v. to ride in an automobile.
AVOUREAVOURE n. (Spenser) avowal.
COTEAUcoteau n. (US, Canada) A hilly upland including the divide between two valleys.
coteau n. (US, Canada) The side of a valley.
COTEAU n. (Canadian) uplands; the higher ground of a region.
DOUANEdouane n. A custom house.
DOUANE n. a customhouse.
EUOUAEeuouae n. In medieval music, a mnemonic for the Latin words saeculōrum and āmēn (from “ […] in saecula saeculōrum…
euouae n. (By extension) A cadence used to sing those words of the Gloria Patri.
EUOUAE n. (Latin) a name for a Gregorian cadence, also EVOVAE.
OPAQUEopaque adj. Neither reflecting nor emitting light.
opaque adj. Allowing little light to pass through, not translucent or transparent.
opaque adj. (Figuratively) Unclear, unintelligible, hard to get or explain the meaning of.
OUTAGEoutage n. A temporary suspension of operation, especially of electrical power supply.
outage n. The amount of something lost in storage or transportation.
OUTAGE n. a failure in use.
OUTATEoutate v. Simple past tense and past participle of outeat.
OUTEAT v. to surpass in eating.
OUTEATouteat v. (Transitive) To eat more than.
OUTEAT v. to surpass in eating.
ZOUAVEZouave n. (Military, historical) One of an active and hardy body of soldiers in the French service, originally…
Zouave n. (Military, historical, by extension) One of a body of soldiers who adopt the dress and drill of the…
ZOUAVE n. (French) a French infantry man who wears Arab dress.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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