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There are 18 six-letter words containing A, 2E and U

AEMULEAEMULE v. (Spenser) to emulate, also EMULE.
AENEUSAENEUS adj. (Latin) of a shining bronze colour.
AENEUS n. a kind of aquarium fish, named for its bronze colour.
AVENUEavenue n. A broad street, especially one bordered by trees or, in cities laid out in a grid pattern, one that…
avenue n. A way or opening for entrance into a place; a passage by which a place may be reached; a way of approach or of exit.
avenue n. The principal walk or approach to a house which is withdrawn from the road, especially, such approach…
BAUBEEbaubee n. Alternative form of bawbee.
BAUBEE n. (Scots) a halfpenny, also BAWBEE.
ELUATEeluate n. A liquid solution that results from elution.
eluate v. To subject or be subjected to elution.
ELUATE n. liquid obtained by eluting.
EPAULEepaule n. The shoulder of a bastion, or the place where its face and flank meet and form the angle, called the…
EPAULE n. (French) the shoulder of a bastion.
EQUATEequate v. (Transitive) To consider equal or equivalent.
equate v. (Transitive, mathematics) To set as equal.
equate n. (Programming) A statement in assembly language that defines a symbol having a particular value.
EUOUAEeuouae n. In medieval music, a mnemonic for the Latin words saeculōrum and āmēn (from “ […] in saecula saeculōrum…
euouae n. (By extension) A cadence used to sing those words of the Gloria Patri.
EUOUAE n. (Latin) a name for a Gregorian cadence, also EVOVAE.
EUPNEAeupnea n. (Medicine) Normal, relaxed breathing; healthy condition of inhalation and exhalation.
EUPNEA n. normal breathing, also EUPNOEA.
EUREKAeureka interj. An exclamation indicating sudden discovery.
eureka n. Synonym of constantan (“copper-nickel alloy”).
Eureka prop.n. A rural locality in the Bundaberg Region, Queensland, Australia.
FEAGUEfeague v. To increase the liveliness of a horse by inserting an irritant, such as a piece of peeled raw ginger…
feague v. (Obsolete) To beat or whip; to drive.
feague v. (Obsolete) To subject to some harmful scheme; to ‘do in’.
HEAUMEheaume n. (Historical) A large helmet extended to and rested on the shoulders, worn in the 12th and 13th centuries…
HEAUME n. (archaic) a massive helmet.
LEAGUEleague n. A group or association of cooperating members.
league n. (Sports) An organization of sports teams which play against one another for a championship.
league n. (Informal, rugby) Ellipsis of rugby league.
QUAEREquaere v. (Archaic) To ask or query; used imperatively to introduce a question or signify doubt.
quaere n. (Archaic) A question or query.
quære v. Obsolete form of quaere.
QUELEAquelea n. The African weaverbird (genus Quelea).
Quelea prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Ploceidae.
QUELEA n. a kind of African weaverbird.
RESEAUréseau n. (Astronomy) A system of lines forming small squares of standard size, which is photographed, by a separate…
réseau n. In lace, a ground or foundation of regular meshes.
RESEAU n. (French) a filter screen for making colour films.
UNEASEunease n. Trouble; misery; a feeling of disquiet or concern.
unease v. (Transitive) To make uneasy or uncomfortable.
UNEASE n. mental or physical discomfort.
UREASEurease n. (Chemistry) the enzyme, found in soil bacteria and some plants, that catalyzes the hydrolysis of urea…
UREASE n. an enzyme that converts urea to a salt, also URASE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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