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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 12 six-letter words containing A, D, N and V

ADVENEadvene v. (Rare) To accede or to come to; to be superadded to, to be added to something or become a part of it…
ADVENE v. to be added over and above.
ADVENTadvent n. Arrival; onset; a time when something first comes or appears.
Advent prop.n. (Christianity) The first or the expected second coming of Christ.
Advent prop.n. (Christianity) The period or season of the Christian church year between Advent Sunday and Christmas.
AVIDINavidin n. (Biology) A tetrameric protein produced in the oviducts of birds, reptiles and amphibians and deposited…
AVIDIN n. a protein found in egg-white.
DAVENSdavens v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of daven.
DAVEN v. (Yiddish) to utter Jewish prayers, also DOVEN.
DIVANSdivans n. Plural of divan.
DIVAN n. a couch or bed without a head- or footboard.
INVADEinvade v. (Transitive) To move into.
invade v. (Transitive) To enter by force in order to conquer.
invade v. (Transitive) To infest or overrun.
NAVAIDnavaid n. Any form of aid to navigation, particularly applying to shipping and aviation. Examples: lighthouse…
NAVAID n. any of the electronic devices designed to aid navigation in a ship or aircraft.
VADINGvading v. Present participle of vade.
VADE v. (Shakespeare) to pass away.
VANDALvandal n. A person who needlessly destroys, defaces, or damages other people’s property.
vandal n. (Computing) A person who needlessly destroys, defaces, or damages software.
Vandal n. (Historical) A member of an ancient east Germanic tribe famous for sacking Rome.
VANDASvandas n. Plural of vanda.
VANDA n. (Hindi) a kind of tropical orchid.
VANNEDvanned v. Simple past tense and past participle of van.
VAN v. to transport in a type of motor vehicle.
VIANDSviands n. Plural of viand.
viands n. Provisions, victuals.
VIAND n. an item of food; esp. a choice or tasty dish.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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