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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 12 six-letter words containing A, D, J and S

ADJUSTadjust v. (Transitive) To modify.
adjust v. (Transitive) To improve or rectify.
adjust v. (Transitive) To settle an insurance claim.
GADJESgadjes n. Plural of gadje.
GADJE n. (Romany) a fellow, also GADGIE, GAUDGIE, GAUJE.
GADJOSgadjos n. Plural of gadjo.
GADJO n. (Romany) a non-gypsy, also GADGIE, GADJE, GAJO, GAUDGIE, GAUJE, GORGIO.
HADJEShadjes n. Plural of hadj.
hadjes n. Plural of hadje.
HADJ n. (Arabic) a pilgrimage to Mecca, also HAJ, HAJJ.
HADJIShadjis n. Plural of hadji.
HADJI n. (Arabic) a person who has made a hadj, also HADJEE, HAJI, HAJJI.
HODJAShodjas n. Plural of hodja.
HODJA n. (Turkish) an Eastern term of respect, a Muslim teacher or professor, also KHODJA, KHOJA.
JADISHjadish adj. (Of a horse) Vicious and ill-tempered, like a jade.
jadish adj. (Of a woman) unchaste.
JADISH adj. like a jade, vicious.
JASSIDjassid n. (Zoology) Any leaf-hopper in the family Jassidae, now considered to be the cicadellid subfamily Iassinae.
JASSID n. an insect of the leafhopper family.
JEHADSjehads n. Plural of jehad.
JEHAD n. (Arabic) in Islam, a holy war, also JIHAD.
JIHADSjihads n. Plural of jihad.
JIHAD n. (Arabic) in Islam, a holy war, also JEHAD.
MASJIDmasjid n. (Islam) A mosque.
MASJID n. (Arabic) a mosque, also MUSJID.
NDUJASNDUJA n. (Italian) a paste of cured pork, peppers, and spices, originating in Calabria in SW Italy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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