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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 16 six-letter words containing A, C, K and O

ACKNOWacknow v. (Transitive, obsolete) To recognize.
acknow v. (Transitive, obsolete) To acknowledge; confess (often with "of" or "on"), reveal, disclose, realize.
ACKNOW v. (obsolete) to recognize, acknowledge.
BAROCKBAROCK n. a bold decorative style, also BAROQUE, BAROCCO.
CHOKRAchokra n. (India) Boy; young male servant.
CHOKRA n. (Hindi) a boy; a household or regimental servant.
CLOAKScloaks n. Plural of cloak.
cloaks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of cloak.
CLOAK v. to clothe with a cloak, to conceal, also CLOKE.
COMAKECOMAKE v. to serve as a comaker for another's loan.
CROAKScroaks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of croak.
croaks n. Plural of croak.
Croaks prop.n. Plural of Croak.
CROAKYcroaky adj. (Of a sound) Like that of a frog.
CROAKY adj. low and hoarse.
KAONICkaonic adj. (Physics) Of, or pertaining to, kaons.
KAONIC adj. of or like a kaon, an elementary particle.
KOCHIAKochia prop.n. Synonym of Bassia; genus of flowering plants in family Amaranthaceae; smotherweed.
KOCHIA n. any of several plants whose foliage turns dark red in summer.
NOCAKEnocake n. Indian corn parched and pounded into meal (powder), used as food by Native Americans, sometimes mixed…
NOCAKE n. (Native American) a meal made from parched maize.
PAIOCKpaiock n. Alternative spelling of pajock.
PAIOCK n. (Shakespeare) an obscure word conjectured to be a misprint for peacock, also PAIOCKE, PAJOCK, PAJOCKE.
PAJOCKpajock n. (Archaic) A peacock, a male peafowl, noted for its large and extravagantly coloured tail.
pajock n. (Obsolete, derogatory) A person. (The precise implications of this term are unclear, but it may suggest vanity.)
PAJOCK n. (Shakespeare) an obscure word conjectured to be a misprint for peacock, also PAIOCK, PAIOCKE, PAJOCKE.
SHACKOshacko n. Dated form of shako.
SHACKO n. (Hungarian) the hat usually worn by members of a marching band, also CHACO, SHAKO.
WACKOSwackos n. Plural of wacko.
WACKO n. a mad or eccentric person, also WACK, WHACKO.
WHACKOwhacko adj. Alternative spelling of wacko.
whacko n. Alternative spelling of wacko.
WHACKO n. an eccentric person, also WACK, WACKO.
YAPOCKyapock n. Alternative spelling of yapok.
YAPOCK n. the South American opossum, also YAPOK.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 90 words
  • Scrabble in French: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 2 words
  • Scrabble in German: 13 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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