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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 11 six-letter words containing A, C, F and O

AFOCALafocal adj. (Optics, of an imaging system) Not focused.
afocal adj. (Optics, of a lens) Neither concave or convex (focal point at infinity).
AFOCAL adj. denoting a method for transferring an image without bringing it into focus.
CARFOXCARFOX n. a place where four roads meet, also CARFAX.
CONFABconfab n. (Informal) Clipping of confabulation (“a casual chat or talk”).
confab v. (Intransitive, informal) Clipping of confabulate (“to speak casually with somebody; to chat”).
CONFAB v. to converse, gossip.
FACTORfactor n. (Obsolete) A doer, maker; a person who does things for another person or organization.
factor n. An agent or representative.
factor n. (Law).
FALCONfalcon n. Any bird of the genus Falco, all of which are birds of prey.
falcon n. (Falconry) A female such bird, a male being a tiercel.
falcon n. (Historical) A light cannon used from the 15th to the 17th century; a falconet.
FASCIOfascio n. A bundle or sheaf.
fascio n. (Dated) A fascist.
fascio- pref. Fascia.
FIASCOfiasco n. A sudden or unexpected failure.
fiasco n. A ludicrous or humiliating situation. Some effort that went quite wrong.
fiasco n. A wine bottle in a (usually straw) jacket.
FLACONflacon n. A small stoppered glass bottle, often used for keeping perfume.
FLACON n. (French) a small decorative flagon with a tight-fitting stopper.
FORCATFORCAT n. (French) a convict condemned to hard labour.
FRANCOfranco n. (Historical) The currency issued between 1805 and 1808 of Lucca in Tuscany, Italy.
franco n. Alternative letter-case form of Franco.
Franco prop.n. A male given name from Italian or Spanish, equivalent to Frank or Francis.
OLFACTolfact v. (Transitive, rare) To smell.
OLFACT v. to smell something.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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