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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 10 six-letter words containing A, B, P and U

ABRUPTabrupt adj. (Obsolete, rare) Broken away (from restraint).
abrupt adj. Without notice to prepare the mind for the event; sudden; hasty; unceremonious.
abrupt adj. Curt in manner.
BACKUPbackup n. A reserve or substitute.
backup n. (Computing) A copy of a file or record, stored separately from the original, that can be used to recover…
backup n. An accumulation of material caused by a (partial) obstruction or (complete) blockage of the flow or…
BALLUPball-up n. (Australian rules football) The method by which the field umpire restarts play at a neutral contest…
ball␣up v. (Transitive) To crush into a ball shape.
ball␣up v. (Transitive, intransitive) To coil up into a ball.
BURLAPburlap n. (US) A very strong, coarse cloth, made from jute, flax, or hemp, and used to make sacks, etc.
burlap v. (Transitive) To wrap or cover in burlap.
BURLAP n. a coarse canvas material.
HUBCAPhubcap n. A decorative and protective disk that covers the hub of a motor car wheel.
hub␣cap n. Alternative spelling of hubcap.
HUBCAP n. a covering for the hub of a wheel.
PABLUMpablum n. (Derogatory) Anything overly bland or simplistic, especially speech or writing.
pablum n. (Dated) Nourishment.
pablum n. Alternative letter-case form of Pablum.
SUBPARsubpar adj. Of less than a traditional or accepted standard.
subpar adj. (Golf) below par.
subpar adj. (Finance) Trading a price below face value.
UPBEARupbear v. (Dated, transitive) To hold up; raise aloft; hold or sustain high.
UPBEAR v. to raise aloft.
UPBEATupbeat adj. Having a fast pace, tempo, or beat.
upbeat adj. Having a positive, lively, or perky tone, attitude, etc.
upbeat n. An unaccented beat at the start of a musical phrase.
UPBRAYupbray v. (Obsolete) To upbraid.
UPBRAY v. (Spenser) to upbraid.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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