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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 19 six-letter words containing A, B, L and W

BALLOWballow adj. (Obsolete) Round; pot-bellied.
ballow n. (Nautical) Deep water inside a shoal or bar.
Ballow prop.n. A surname.
BARLOWBarlow prop.n. The name of villages in north-eastern England…
Barlow prop.n. A habitational surname from Old English originating from one of these villages.
Barlow prop.n. The name of several places in the United States, either named after one of the English villages or a…
BAWBLEbawble n. Archaic spelling of bauble.
bawble n. Misspelling of bauble.
BAWBLE n. a cheap trinket, also BAUBLE.
BAWLEDbawled v. Simple past tense and past participle of bawl.
BAWL v. to shout or cry very loudly.
BAWLERbawler n. One who bawls.
BAWLER n. one who bawls.
BAWLEYbawley n. (Nautical) A small fishing boat, equipped with sails, used mainly in the estuary of the Thames, England.
BAWLEY n. in Essex and Kent, a small fishing-smack.
BEWAILbewail v. To wail over; to feel or express deep sorrow for.
BEWAIL v. to lament.
BLAWEDBLAW v. (Scots) to blow.
BRAWLSbrawls n. Plural of brawl.
brawls v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of brawl.
BRAWL v. to fight rowdily.
BRAWLYbrawly adj. Having or characterised by brawls.
brawly adv. (Scotland) Finely, handsomely.
BRAWLY adj. (US) inclined to brawl.
BYELAWbyelaw n. Alternative spelling of bylaw.
bye-law n. Alternative spelling of bylaw.
BYELAW n. the law of a local authority or private corporation, also BYLAW.
BYLAWSbylaws n. Plural of bylaw.
by-laws n. Plural of by-law.
BYLAW n. the law of a local authority or private corporation, also BYELAW.
BYRLAWbyrlaw n. (Obsolete) the local customs and laws of a settlement or district.
BYRLAW n. (archaic) a local law dealing with local customs and civil disputes, also BOURLAW.
WABBLEwabble v. Wobble, move to and fro.
WABBLE v. to wobble.
WABBLYwabbly adj. Inclined to wabble; wabbling.
WABBLY adj. wobbly.
WAMBLEwamble n. (Obsolete) Nausea; seething; bubbling.
wamble n. (Dialect) An unsteady walk; a staggering or wobbling.
wamble n. (Dialect) A rumble of the stomach.
WAMBLYwambly adj. (Dialect) Shaky, unsteady, dizzy, queasy, nauseous.
WAMBLY adj. affected with, or causing, sickness; unsteady.
WARBLEwarble v. (Transitive) To modulate a tone’s frequency.
warble v. (Transitive) To sing like a bird, especially with trills.
warble v. (Transitive) To cause to quaver or vibrate.
WARBLYwarbly adj. Having a warbling quality; tending to warble.
WARBLY adj. voiced in a trilling or quavering manner.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 41 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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