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There are 19 six-letter words containing A, B, H and U

ABLUSHablush adj. Blushing; ruddy.
ablush adv. Blushing; ruddy.
ABLUSH adj. blushing.
AMBUSHambush n. The act of concealing oneself and lying in wait to attack by surprise.
ambush n. An attack launched from a concealed position.
ambush n. The concealed position or state from which a surprise attack is launched.
BAHUTSbahuts n. Plural of bahut.
BAHUT n. (French) an ornamental, usually round-topped chest or cabinet.
BHUNASbhunas n. Plural of bhuna.
BHUNA n. (Urdu) an Indian sauce, also BHOONA.
BUDDHAbuddha n. A human being who has become enlightened. (in Buddhism)
buddha n. A statue or image of the Buddha.
buddha n. (Informal, uncountable) marijuana.
BUGSHAbugsha n. Alternative form of buqsha.
BUGSHA n. a monetary unit of Yemen.
BUQSHAbuqsha n. (Historical) A former currency unit of Yemen.
BUQSHA n. a monetary unit of Yemen.
BURKHAburkha n. Alternative spelling of burka.
BURKHA n. (Urdu) an Arab woman's head-covering, also BOORKA, BOURKHA, BURKA, BURQA.
BUSHWAbushwa n. Alternative form of bushwah.
BUSHWA n. nonsense, also BUSHWAH.
CHABUKchabuk n. (Now historical) A long whip formerly used as an instrument of punishment in India and parts of the Middle East.
CHABUK n. (Urdu) a type of horsewhip, also CHABOUK.
GHUBARGHUBAR adj. as in ghubar numeral, any of a set of numerals forming the stage between ancient Hindu numerals and present-day Arabic numerals, also GOBAR.
GUBBAHGUBBAH n. (Native Australian) a white man, also GUB.
HAGBUThagbut n. (Obsolete) An arquebus, a firearm with a long barrel.
HAGBUT n. (historical) a harquebus; a matchlock gun invented in the 15th century, also HACKBUT.
HUBCAPhubcap n. A decorative and protective disk that covers the hub of a motor car wheel.
hub␣cap n. Alternative spelling of hubcap.
HUBCAP n. a covering for the hub of a wheel.
JUBBAHjubbah n. A long outer garment worn by Muslims.
JUBBAH n. (Arabic) a long loose outer garment worn by Muslims, also DJIBBA, DJIBBAH, JIBBA, JIBBAH, JUBHAH.
JUBHAHJUBHAH n. (Arabic) a long loose outer garment worn by Muslims, also DJIBBA, DJIBBAH, JIBBA, JIBBAH, JUBBAH.
RHUMBArhumba n. Alternative spelling of rumba.
rhumba v. Alternative spelling of rumba.
RHUMBA v. (Spanish) to dance a lively Spanish dance, also RUMBA.
SUBAHSsubahs n. Plural of subah.
SUBAH n. (Hindi) a province of the Mogul empire, also SUBA.
SUBHASSUBHA n. (Arabic) a string of beads used by Muslims in meditation and prayer, also SABHA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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