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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 17 six-letter words containing A, B, G and U

ALBUGOalbugo n. (Dated) A leucoma.
ALBUGO n. (Latin) a white opacity of the eye.
BAGFULbagful n. An amount; the contents of one full bag.
bagful n. A large assortment.
BAGFUL n. as much as a bag can hold.
BAGUETbaguet n. (Architecture, zoology) Alternative form of baguette.
BAGUET n. (French) a long French loaf, also BAGUETTE, BAGNETTE.
BAGUIObaguio n. (Philippines) A typhoon.
Baguio prop.n. An independent city in Benguet, Philippines.
BAGUIO n. (Spanish) a hurricane.
BELUGAbeluga n. A cetacean, Delphinapterus leucas, found in the Arctic Ocean.
beluga n. A fish found in the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea (Huso huso), that is a source of caviar.
Beluga n. Alternative spelling of beluga.
BLAGUEblague n. Mendacious boasting; falsehood; humbug.
BLAGUE n. (French) humbug.
BUGGANBUGGAN n. (dialect) an evil spirit, a hobgoblin, also BUGGANE, BUGGIN.
BUGSHAbugsha n. Alternative form of buqsha.
BUGSHA n. a monetary unit of Yemen.
BULGARbulgar n. Alternative spelling of bulgur.
Bulgar n. A member of a migratory Turkic people from Central Asia who conquered Moesia in the 7th century and…
Bulgar n. (Rare) A Bulgarian.
BUMBAGbumbag n. Alternative spelling of bum bag.
bum␣bag n. (Britain, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand) A small pouch attached to a belt that is worn on the outside…
BUMBAG n. a small bag, usually worn on a belt round the waist.
CUBAGEcubage n. A cubic measurement.
CUBAGE n. the process of finding the cubic content of a body, also CUBATURE.
GHUBARGHUBAR adj. as in ghubar numeral, any of a set of numerals forming the stage between ancient Hindu numerals and present-day Arabic numerals, also GOBAR.
GUBBAHGUBBAH n. (Native Australian) a white man, also GUB.
HAGBUThagbut n. (Obsolete) An arquebus, a firearm with a long barrel.
HAGBUT n. (historical) a harquebus; a matchlock gun invented in the 15th century, also HACKBUT.
SAGBUTsagbut n. Alternative form of sackbut.
SAGBUT n. a medieval trombone, also SACKBUT, SACBUT.
TUBAGEtubage n. Tubing; a system of tubes.
tubage n. (Medicine) intubation.
tubage n. (Military, historical) The process of lining a heavy gun by insertion of a tube of wrought iron, etc.
UNBAGSunbags v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unbag.
UNBAG v. to let out of a bag.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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