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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 20 six-letter words containing A, B, E and F

BAFFEDbaffed v. Simple past tense and past participle of baff.
BAFF v. in golf, to strike the ground with the sole of the club and so send the ball up in the air.
BAFFLEbaffle v. To bewilder completely; to confuse or perplex.
baffle v. (Intransitive) To struggle in vain.
baffle v. (Now rare) To foil; to thwart.
BARFEDbarfed v. Simple past tense and past participle of barf.
BARF v. (colloquial) to vomit.
BEFALLbefall v. (Transitive) To fall upon; fall all over; overtake.
befall v. (Intransitive) To happen.
befall v. (Transitive) To happen to.
BEFANABEFANA n. (Italian) an Epiphany gift, also BEFFANA.
BEFLAGbeflag v. (Transitive) To decorate with a flag or flags; to hang a flag or flags on.
BEFLAG v. to deck with flags.
BEFLEAbeflea v. (Transitive) To pester, as fleas do.
BEFLEA v. to infest with fleas.
BEFOAMbefoam v. (Transitive) To spatter or cover with foam.
BEFOAM v. to cover with foam.
BEHALFbehalf n. The interest, benefit, or wellbeing of someone or something.
behalf n. (When adopted by someone else) One’s role or rightful place; stead or authority.
BEHALF n. interest or benefit.
BIFACEbiface n. (Archaeology) A double-sided stone tool.
BIFACE n. a type of prehistoric stone implement flaked on both faces.
FABBERfabber n. A small manufacturing plant able to make solid three-dimensional objects based on digital data.
FAB adj. excellent.
FABLEDfabled adj. Known only in fables; fictitious.
fabled adj. Made known by fables or reputation; legendary, famed.
fabled v. Simple past tense and past participle of fable.
FABLERfabler n. A writer of fables; a fabulist; a dealer in untruths or falsehoods.
FABLER n. a writer of fables.
FABLESfables n. Plural of fable.
fables v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of fable.
FABLE v. to tell fictitious tales.
FABLETFABLET n. a large smartphone that is able to perform many of the functions of a tablet computer, also PHABLET.
FAIBLEFAIBLE n. (French) the part of a foil blade between the middle and the point, also FOIBLE.
FERBAMferbam n. A particular fungicide.
FERBAM n. a fungicide.
FLAMBEflambe adj. Alternative spelling of flambé.
flambe n. Alternative spelling of flambé.
flambe v. Alternative spelling of flambé.
PREFABprefab adj. Prefabricated.
prefab n. A prefabricated building.
prefab n. A prefabricated section of a building.
TABEFYtabefy v. (Transitive) To emaciate.
tabefy v. (Intransitive) To waste away.
TABEFY v. to waste away.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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