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There are 18 six-letter words containing 2A, T and V

ATAVICatavic adj. Ancestral, atavistic.
ATAVIC adj. pertaining to a remote ancestor.
AVANTIAvanti prop.n. (Historical) An ancient Indian realm roughly corresponding to the present-day Malwa region.
Avanti n. (Historical) One of the ancient inhabitants of this realm.
AVANTI interj. (Italian) go forward.
AVATARavatar n. (Hinduism) An incarnation of a deity, particularly Vishnu.
avatar n. The embodiment of an idea or concept; an instantiation#Noun, especially a personification or incarnation#Noun.
avatar n. (Computing, video games, metaverse) A complex and dynamic digital representation of a person or being…
AVAUNTavaunt interj. (Archaic) Begone; depart; used in contempt or abhorrence.
avaunt n. (Obsolete) A vaunt; a boast.
avaunt v. (Obsolete) To advance; to move forward; to elevate.
AVIATEaviate v. To operate an aircraft.
AVIATE v. to fly an aircraft.
AVITALavital adj. Relating to a grandfather or ancestor.
AVITAL adj. (obsolete) of a grandfather, ancestral.
CAVEATcaveat n. A warning.
caveat n. A qualification or exemption.
caveat n. (Law) A formal objection.
CRAVATcravat n. A wide fabric band worn as a necktie by men having long ends hanging in front.
cravat n. (Historical) A decorative fabric band or scarf worn around the neck by women.
cravat n. (Surgery) A bandage resembling a cravat, particularly a triangular bandage folded into a strip.
OTTAVAottava adv. (Music) One octave higher; as a marking, typically abbreviated 8va.
ottava n. (Poetry) Ottava rima.
OTTAVA n. (Italian) an octave higher than indicated.
SATNAVsatnav n. (Informal) A satellite navigation system.
satnav n. (Informal) A satellite navigation system receiver.
satnav n. (Informal) A civilian GPS receiver.
SAVANTsavant n. A person of learning, especially one who is versed in literature or science.
savant n. A person who is considered eminent because of their achievements.
savant n. A person with significant mental disabilities who is very gifted in one area of activity, such as playing…
SAVATEsavate n. A form of French martial art that involves combinations of punching and kicking moves.
SAVATE n. (French) a French form of kickboxing.
TAVAHSTAVAH n. (Hindi) a griddle in Indian cookery, also TAVA, TAWA.
VACANTvacant adj. Not occupied; empty.
vacant adj. Showing no intelligence or interest.
VACANT adj. empty.
VACATEvacate v. To move out of a dwelling, either by choice or by eviction.
vacate v. To leave an office or position.
vacate v. (Law) To have a court judgement set aside; to annul.
VALETAvaleta n. Alternative form of veleta (“type of dance”).
VALETA n. (Spanish) a kind of dance in waltz time, also VELETA.
VALUTAvaluta n. A foreign currency; any monetary standard.
VALUTA n. (Italian) the comparative value of a currency.
VATMANvatman n. (Papermaking) The employee responsible for gathering pulp from the vat on the mould in papermaking.
VATman n. (Informal, Britain) The embodiment of the VAT taxation department.
VATMAN n. an employee of the Customs and Excise Board responsible for collecting VAT.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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