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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 7 six-letter words containing 2A, Q and S

ASQUATasquat adj. Squatting.
asquat adv. Squatting.
ASQUAT adv. (archaic) in a squatting position.
QAJAQSqajaqs n. Plural of qajaq.
QAJAQ n. (Inuit) a kayak, also KAIAK, KAYAK, KYAK.
QANATSqanats n. Plural of qanat.
qanāts n. Plural of qanāt.
QANAT n. (Arabic) an underground water tunnel.
QASIDAqasida n. An Arabic or Persian elegiac monorhyme poem, usually having a tripartite structure.
qaṣīda n. Alternative spelling of qasida.
QASIDA n. (Arabic) an Arabic poem of praise or mourning.
QUASARquasar n. (Astronomy) An extragalactic object, starlike in appearance, that is among the most luminous and (putatively)…
QUASAR n. a starlike object which emits radio waves.
SQUAMAsquama n. (Medicine) A scale cast off from the skin; a thin dry shred of epithelium.
squama n. (Botany) The bract of a deciduous spike.
squama n. (Botany) Any scaly bracted leaf.
TALAQStalaqs n. Plural of talaq.
TALAQ n. (Arabic) in Islamic law, divorce, esp. by the husband's verbal repudiation of his wife in the presence of witnesses, also TALAK.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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