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There are 19 six-letter words containing 2A, I and V

AIRVACAIRVAC n. evacuation by air ambulance.
AJIVASajivas n. Plural of ajiva.
AJIVA n. (Sanskrit) inanimate matter.
ATAVICatavic adj. Ancestral, atavistic.
ATAVIC adj. pertaining to a remote ancestor.
AVAILEAVAILE v. (Spenser) to descend, also AVALE.
AVAILSavails n. Plural of avail.
avails v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of avail.
AVAIL v. to be of use or advantage to.
AVANTIAvanti prop.n. (Historical) An ancient Indian realm roughly corresponding to the present-day Malwa region.
Avanti n. (Historical) One of the ancient inhabitants of this realm.
AVANTI interj. (Italian) go forward.
AVIANSavians n. Plural of avian.
AVIAN n. a bird.
AVIARYaviary n. A house, enclosure, large cage, or other place for keeping birds confined; a birdhouse.
AVIARY n. a large bird enclosure.
AVIATEaviate v. To operate an aircraft.
AVIATE v. to fly an aircraft.
AVITALavital adj. Relating to a grandfather or ancestor.
AVITAL adj. (obsolete) of a grandfather, ancestral.
CAVIARcaviar n. Roe of the sturgeon or of certain other large fish, considered a delicacy.
caviar n. (Figurative) Something whose flavour is too fine for the vulgar taste.
CAVIAR n. the roe of sturgeon, also CAVIARE, CAVIARIE, CAVIER.
GAVIALgavial n. The crocodilian Gavialis gangeticus; any species of the family Gavialidae.
GAVIAL n. (Hindi) an Indian crocodile with a long snout, also GARIAL, GHARIAL.
NAVAIDnavaid n. Any form of aid to navigation, particularly applying to shipping and aviation. Examples: lighthouse…
NAVAID n. any of the electronic devices designed to aid navigation in a ship or aircraft.
SALIVAsaliva n. (Physiology) A clear, slightly alkaline liquid secreted into the mouth by the salivary glands and mucous…
SALIVA n. a fluid secreted by the glands of the mouth.
SALVIAsalvia n. A plant in the genus Salvia, such as sage.
Salvia prop.n. A surname from Italian.
Salvia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Lamiaceae – sage plants.
VAGINAvagina n. (Anatomy) The passage leading from the opening of the vulva to the cervix of the uterus for copulation…
vagina n. (Botany) A sheathlike structure, such as the leaf of a grass that surrounds a stem.
vagina n. (Colloquial) The vulva, or the vulva and the vaginal passage collectively.
VARIASVARIA n. (Latin) a literary miscellany.
VIHARAvihara n. A Buddhist monastery.
VIHARA n. (Sanskrit) a Buddhist or Jain temple or precinct.
VIMANAvimana n. (Mythology) A mythological flying palace or chariot described in Hindu texts and Sanskrit epics.
vimana n. (Architecture) The tower above the garbhagriha in a Hindu temple.
VIMANA n. (Sanskrit) in the Indian subcontinent, the central tower enclosing the shrine in a temple.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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