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There are 15 six-letter words containing 2A, I and O

ADAGIOadagio n. (Music) A tempo mark directing that a passage is to be played rather slowly, leisurely and gracefully.
adagio n. (Music) A passage having this mark.
adagio n. (Dance) A male-female duet or mixed trio ballet displaying demanding balance, spins and/or lifts.
AIKONAaikona interj. (South Africa) no; no way.
AIKONA interj. (Bantu) it is not.
ALODIAalodia n. Plural of alodium.
ALODIUM n. (Latin) land held absolutely, also ALLODIUM, ALOD.
ALOGIAalogia n. A general lack of additional, unprompted content in normal speech, a common symptom of schizophrenia.
ALOGIA n. the inability to speak.
ANOPIAanopia n. (Medicine) State or condition of sightlessness, often due to medical reasons.
ANOPIA n. a visual defect, an upward squint, also ANOOPSIA, ANOPSIA.
ANOXIAanoxia n. A condition in which a tissue or environment is severely or totally deprived of oxygen; severe hypoxia.
ANOXIA n. deficient supply of oxygen to the tissues.
APORIAaporia n. (Rhetoric) An expression of deliberation with oneself regarding uncertainty or doubt as to how to proceed.
aporia n. (Philosophy, post-structuralism) An insoluble contradiction in a text’s meaning; a logical impasse suggested…
APORIA n. a professed doubt of what to say or to choose, as in 'to be or not to be'.
ASIAGOasiago n. A hard Italian cheese similar to parmesan.
Asiago prop.n. A township near Vicenza in the Veneto, Italy.
ASIAGO n. (Italian) a type of Italian cheese.
ATOCIAatocia n. (Rare) Of a woman, infertility (inability to conceive and give birth to children).
ATOCIA n. sterility in a female.
ATONIAatonia n. Lack of muscle tone.
ATONIA n. muscular debility, also ATONY.
COAITAcoaita n. (Dated) Any of certain South American monkeys of the genus Ateles, especially Ateles paniscus.
COAITA n. (Tupi) a type of spider monkey.
LAOGAIlaogai n. The use of prison labor and prison farms in the People’s Republic of China.
LAOGAI n. (Chinese) the system of forced labor camps in China.
ORARIAoraria n. Plural of orarion.
oraria n. Plural of orarium.
ORARION n. in the Orthodox Church, a deacon's stole, also ORARIUM.
TAIHOAtaihoa adj. (New Zealand politics) Slow and cautious; gradual.
TAIHOA v. (Maori) to hold on, wait.
ZOARIAzoaria n. Plural of zoarium.
ZOARIUM n. (Greek) a colony of zooids.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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