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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 7 six-letter words containing 2A, H and U

AGUNAHagunah n. A Jewish woman who is trapped in a marriage from which she cannot escape, either because her husband…
AGUNAH n. (Hebrew) a woman whose husband has abandoned her but fails to provide an official divorce, also AGUNA.
HAMAULhamaul n. Alternative form of hamal (“porter”).
HAMAUL n. (Arabic) a porter in eastern countries, also HAMAL, HAMMAL.
HAPUKAhapuka n. (New Zealand) Alternative form of hapuku.
HAPUKA n. (Maori) the groper, also HAPUKU.
KAHUNAkahuna n. (Hawaii) A priest or priestess of the traditional Hawaiian religion.
kahuna n. (Surfing) A great surfer.
KAHUNA n. (Hawaiian) a priest or medicine-man; an expert in any field.
MAHUASmahuas n. Plural of mahua.
MAHUA n. (Hindi) a kind of butter-tree with edible flowers, also MAHWA, MOWA, MOWRA.
MASHUAmashua n. A root vegetable grown in the Andes, Tropaeolum tuberosum.
mashua n. A type of simple fishing vessel found on the coast of East Africa.
MASHUA n. a tuber plant grown in the Andes.
WHANAUwhanau n. (New Zealand) Extended family.
whānau n. (New Zealand) Alternative spelling of whanau.
WHANAU n. (Maori) a family, especially an extended one.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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