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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 16 six-letter words containing 2A, G and P

AGAPAEagapae n. Plural of agape.
AGAPE n. (Greek) a love feast practised by early Christians in connection with the Last Supper; Christian love.
AGAPAIagapai n. Plural of agape.
AGAPE n. (Greek) a love feast practised by early Christians in connection with the Last Supper; Christian love.
AGAPESAGAPE n. (Greek) a love feast practised by early Christians in connection with the Last Supper; Christian love.
AIRGAPairgap n. A gap where there is a vacuum (not actually air), used to reduce power consumption in microelectronics.
airgap n. Alternative spelling of air gap.
air␣gap n. (Networking, computer security) A network security measure that consists of ensuring that a secure computer…
GRAMPAgrampa n. (Informal) grandfather.
GRAMPA n. (colloquial) a grandfather, also GRAMP.
GRAPPAgrappa n. (Uncountable) An Italian grape-based spirit of between 80 and 100 proof, made from the distillation of pomace.
grappa n. (Countable) A variety or serving of grappa.
GRAPPA n. (Italian) an Italian brandy.
PADANGpadang n. Malaysian grassland.
PADANG n. (Malay) a field, esp a playing field.
PADNAGpadnag n. (Archaic) An ambling nag.
PADNAG n. a horse that moves along at an easy pace.
PAGANSpagans n. Plural of pagan.
PAGAN n. an irreligious person.
PAGODApagoda n. A religious building in South and Southeast Asia, especially a multi-storey tower erected as a Hindu…
pagoda n. (Now rare, usually in form pagod) An image or carving of a god in South and Southeast Asia; an idol.
pagoda n. (Now historical) A unit of currency, a coin made of gold or half gold, issued by various dynasties in…
PALAGIpalagi n. (Western Polynesia, New Zealand) A white person; a Caucasian.
PALAGI n. (Samoan) a Samoan word for a person from outside the Pacific islands, esp. a European.
PANGASpangas n. Plural of panga.
PANGA n. (Swahili) an African knife, like a machete.
PARAGEparage n. (Archaic) Lineage, parentage; rank, especially as high or noble.
parage n. A feudal institution that recognizes equality of rights and status between two rulers, and equality…
parage n. A woman’s marriage portion or dowry.
PARANGparang n. A short, heavy, straight-edged knife used in Malaysia and Indonesia as a tool and weapon.
parang v. To cut with a parang.
parang n. A style of music originating from Trinidad and Tobago, strongly influenced by Venezuelan music.
PAVAGEpavage n. Alternative form of paviage.
PAVAGE n. a charge for paving streets.
PLAGALplagal adj. (Music) Designating a mode lying a perfect fourth below the authentic form.
plagal adj. (Music) Designating a cadence in which the subdominant chord precedes the tonic.
PLAGAL adj. designating a medieval musical mode.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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