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There are 19 six-letter words containing 2A, G and H

AAHINGaahing v. Present participle of aah.
aahing n. An aah sound.
AAH v. to exclaim in surprise.
AARRGHaarrgh interj. Elongated form of argh.
AARRGH interj. an exclamation indicating dismay, also AARGH, AARRGHH, ARGH.
ACHAGEachage n. (Rare) The state or condition of having aches.
ACHAGE n. (Tennyson) an ache, aching.
AFGHANafghan n. A blanket or throw, usually crocheted or knitted.
afghan n. (Australia, New Zealand) A type of iced chocolate biscuit, sometimes containing cornflakes and topped with a walnut.
Afghan n. A person from Afghanistan.
AGHASTaghast adj. Terrified; struck with amazement; showing signs of terror or horror.
AGHAST adj. stupefied with horror, also AGAST.
AGUNAHagunah n. A Jewish woman who is trapped in a marriage from which she cannot escape, either because her husband…
AGUNAH n. (Hebrew) a woman whose husband has abandoned her but fails to provide an official divorce, also AGUNA.
ARGHANarghan n. Alternative form of argan.
ARGHAN n. pita fibre.
CHAGANchagan n. Archaic form of khan.
CHAGAN n. (Turkish) an early form of khan, also CHAM, KHAN.
CHANGACHANGA interj. (Hinglish) an expression of approval or agreement.
DARGAHdargah n. (Islam, South Asia, India, Pakistan) A shrine associated with the grave of a Muslim saint or similar religious figure.
DARGAH n. (Persian) the tomb of a Muslim saint, also DARGA, DURGAH.
GALAHSgalahs n. Plural of galah.
GALAH n. (Native Australian) an Australian bird of the parrot family; (figurative) a loud, rude person.
GAMASHGAMASH n. a type of legging, also GRAMASH, GRAMOCHE.
GANJAHganjah n. Alternative form of ganja.
GANJAH n. (Hindi) cannabis used for smoking, also GANJA.
GHAZALghazal n. A poetic form mostly used for love poetry in Middle Eastern, South, and Central Asian poetry.
Ghazal prop.n. A surname from Arabic.
GHAZAL n. (Arabic) a Persian verse form, also GAZAL, GHAZEL.
GRAHAMgraham n. (Uncountable) Flour made by grinding wheat berries including the bran.
graham n. (Countable) A graham cracker.
Graham prop.n. A Scottish surname from Old English and clan name.
HANGARhangar n. A large garage-like structure where aircraft are kept.
hangar n. (Obsolete) A covered shed for carriages.
hangar v. (Transitive) To store (an aircraft) in a hangar.
KANGHAkangha n. Alternative spelling of kanga (Sikh comb).
KANGHA n. (Punjabi) a coloured cotton cloth worn as a dress, also KANGA, KHANGA.
KHANGAkhanga n. Alternative form of kanga (African garment).
Khanga prop.n. A surname.
KHANGA n. (Swahili) a piece of cotton cloth wound round the body as a dress, also KANGA.
SANGHAsangha n. The community of all followers of the Buddha; the ecclesia in which the devout take refuge; those who…
sangha n. The Buddhist congregation including laypersons and the "religious" (renunciate monks and nuns who have taken vows).
Sangha prop.n. A surname.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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