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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 16 six-letter words containing 2A, E and I

ABELIAabelia n. Any of the various honeysuckles of the genus Abelia.
Abelia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Caprifoliaceae – many ornamental shrubs from Asia and Mexico, the abelias.
ABELIA n. any of several hardy evergreen shrubs of the honeysuckle family, native to eastern Asia, having pink or white flowers.
ACEDIAacedia n. Spiritual or mental sloth.
acedia n. Apathy; a lack of care or interest; indifference.
acedia n. Boredom. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
AECIALaecial adj. (Mycology) Of, pertaining to, or resembling an aecium.
AECIAL adj. relating to an aecium, a cup-shaped fructification in rust fungi, also AECIDIAL.
AERIALaerial adj. Living or taking place in the air.
aerial adj. (Now literary or historical) Made up of air or gas; gaseous.
aerial adj. Positioned high up; elevated.
AKEBIAakebia n. Any plant of the genus Akebia, especially the invasive plant Akebia quinata.
Akebia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Lardizabalaceae – native to eastern Asia.
AKEBIA n. (Japanese) a climbing shrub.
ALEXIAalexia n. (Psychiatry) Word blindness, the inability, due to a cerebral disorder, to comprehend or understand writing.
Alexia prop.n. A female given name from Ancient Greek.
ALEXIA n. loss of power to read.
AMELIAamelia n. (Pathology) The congenital absence of one or more limbs.
Amelia prop.n. A female given name from the Germanic languages.
Amelia prop.n. The alternative name for Amelia Courthouse, Amelia County, Virginia, USA.
ANEMIAanemia n. (American spelling, uncountable, pathology) A medical condition in which the capacity of the blood to…
anemia n. (Countable, pathology) A disease or condition that has anemia as a symptom.
anemia n. (Obsolete) Ischemia.
ARAISEaraise v. (Archaic) To raise.
ARAISE v. to raise, also ARAYSE.
AVAILEAVAILE v. (Spenser) to descend, also AVALE.
AVIATEaviate v. To operate an aircraft.
AVIATE v. to fly an aircraft.
FACIAEFACIA n. an architectural band, also FASCIA.
IDEATAIDEATUM n. the real object of an idea.
LAMIAElamiae n. Plural of lamia.
LAMIA n. (Greek) a mythical monster with snake's body and woman's head and breasts.
REALIArealia n. Objects from real life or from the real world, as opposed to theoretical constructs or fabricated examples.
realia n. (Linguistics) Words and expressions for culture-specific material elements.
REALIA n. (Latin) objects used by a teacher to illustrate everyday living.
TAENIAtaenia n. (Historical) A ribbon worn in the hair in ancient Greece.
taenia n. (Architecture, Doric architecture) A band between the frieze and architrave in the Doric order.
taenia n. (Anatomy) Any of several ribbon-like bands of tissue.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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