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There are 10 six-letter words containing 2A, C and V

AIRVACAIRVAC n. evacuation by air ambulance.
ATAVICatavic adj. Ancestral, atavistic.
ATAVIC adj. pertaining to a remote ancestor.
CANVAScanvas n. A type of coarse cloth, woven from hemp, useful for making sails and tents or as a surface for paintings.
canvas n. (Painting).
canvas n. A mesh of loosely woven cotton strands or molded plastic to be decorated with needlepoint, cross-stitch…
CASAVAcasava n. Alternative form of cassava.
CASAVA n. a tropical plant whose roots yield a valuable starch, also CASSAVA.
CAVASScavass n. Alternative form of kavass.
CAVASS n. (Turkish) an armed attendant in Turkey, also KAVASS.
CAVEATcaveat n. A warning.
caveat n. A qualification or exemption.
caveat n. (Law) A formal objection.
CAVIARcaviar n. Roe of the sturgeon or of certain other large fish, considered a delicacy.
caviar n. (Figurative) Something whose flavour is too fine for the vulgar taste.
CAVIAR n. the roe of sturgeon, also CAVIARE, CAVIARIE, CAVIER.
CRAVATcravat n. A wide fabric band worn as a necktie by men having long ends hanging in front.
cravat n. (Historical) A decorative fabric band or scarf worn around the neck by women.
cravat n. (Surgery) A bandage resembling a cravat, particularly a triangular bandage folded into a strip.
VACANTvacant adj. Not occupied; empty.
vacant adj. Showing no intelligence or interest.
VACANT adj. empty.
VACATEvacate v. To move out of a dwelling, either by choice or by eviction.
vacate v. To leave an office or position.
vacate v. (Law) To have a court judgement set aside; to annul.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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