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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 18 six-letter words containing 2A, B and K

ABAKASabakas n. Plural of abaka.
abakás n. Plural of abaká.
ABAKA n. (Tagalog) the Manila-hemp plant, or its fiber, also ABACA.
AKEBIAakebia n. Any plant of the genus Akebia, especially the invasive plant Akebia quinata.
Akebia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Lardizabalaceae – native to eastern Asia.
AKEBIA n. (Japanese) a climbing shrub.
ATABEKatabek n. (Historical) Alternative spelling of atabeg.
ATABEK n. (Turkish) a Turkish ruler or high official, also ATABEG.
BABKASbabkas n. Plural of babka.
BABKA n. (Polish) a kind of coffee-cake, containing almonds, raisins, rum, orange rind, also BABA.
BAKGATbakgat adj. (South African English, slang) Great, good, fine, excellent.
BAKGAT adj. (South African) fine, excellent.
BANAKSBANAK n. (Honduran) a Central American tree.
BARKANbarkan n. Alternative spelling of barchan.
Barkan prop.n. A surname from Hebrew.
BARKAN n. (Turkish) a crescent-shaped sand dune, also BARKHAN, BARCHAN, BARCHANE.
BHAKTAbhakta n. (Hinduism) Someone who practises bhakti; a person who is devoted to God; a devotee; a worshipper.
Bhakta prop.n. A surname.
BHAKTA n. (Sanskrit) devotion to a god, as a path to salvation, also BHAKTI.
KABABSkababs n. Plural of kabab.
KABAB n. (Arabic) cubes of meat cooked on a skewer.
KABAKAkabaka n. The title of the king of Buganda.
KABAKA n. (Ugandan) a Ugandan emperor.
KABALAkabala prop.n. Alternative spelling of Kabballah.
KABALA n. (Hebrew) a Jewish doctrine based on hidden meanings in sacred texts, also CABALA, CABBALA, CABBALAH, KABBALA, KABBALAH, QABALA, QABALAH.
KABARSKA-BARs n. Plural of KA-BAR.
KABAR n. (Scots) a heavy wooden heaving pole, also CABER, KEBAR.
KABAYAkabaya n. Alternative spelling of kebaya.
KABAYA n. (Malay) a cotton jacket.
KANBANkanban n. (Countable) A card containing a set of manufacturing specifications and requirements, used to regulate…
kanban n. A coordinated manufacturing system using such cards.
kanban n. (By extension) A system to manage, visualise, and improve work across teams, often as part of an agile methodology.
KASBAHkasbah n. Alternative spelling of casbah.
KASBAH n. (Arabic) the old section of a North African city, also CASBAH.
KUBASAkubasa n. (Canada) A smoked pork sausage with garlic, originating in Eastern Europe.
KUBASA n. (Russian) a Ukrainian sausage, also KIELBASA, KOLBASI, KOLBASSA, KOLBASSI, KULBASA.
SABKHAsabkha n. (Geology) An area of coastal salt flats, especially in North Africa and Arabia.
SABKHA n. (Arabic) a broad, salt-encrusted coastal plain above the level of normal tides, also SABKHAH, SABKHAT.
TAMBAKtambak n. In Java, a brackish pond for raising fish and growing rice.
TAMBAK n. (Malay) an alloy of copper and zinc, also TOMBAC, TAMBAC, TOMBACK, TOMBAK.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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