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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 20 six-letter words containing 2A, B and H

AMBACHAMBACH n. a pith tree, also AMBATCH.
BABLAHbablah n. The rind of the fruit of several East Indian species of acacia, especially Vachellia nilotica, formerly…
BABLAH n. (Hindi) a species of acacia from which gum arabic is obtained, also BABOOL, BABUL.
BACHASbachas n. Plural of bacha.
Bachas prop.n. Plural of Bacha.
BACHA n. (Hinglish) in India, a young child, also BACHCHA.
BAHADAbahada n. Alternative form of bajada.
BAHADA n. (Spanish) a broad, sloping depositional deposit caused by the coalescing of alluvial fans, also BAJADA.
BASHAWbashaw n. (Now rare, historical) A pasha.
bashaw n. (Archaic, often derogatory, by extension) A grandee.
bashaw n. A very large siluroid fish (Leptops olivaris) of the Mississippi valley; the goujon or mudcat.
BHAJANbhajan n. (Music) A type of Indian devotional song.
BHAJAN n. a Hindu religious song.
BHAJIAbhajia n. Plural of bhaji.
bhajia n. Alternative form of bhaji.
BHAJI n. (Hindi) in Indian cookery, an appetizer consisting of vegetables cooked in batter, also BHAGEE, BHAJEE.
BHAKTAbhakta n. (Hinduism) Someone who practises bhakti; a person who is devoted to God; a devotee; a worshipper.
Bhakta prop.n. A surname.
BHAKTA n. (Sanskrit) devotion to a god, as a path to salvation, also BHAKTI.
BHARALbharal n. A blue sheep, being any species of the genus Pseudois, goatlike bovids of the Himalayas and western…
BHARAL n. (Hindi) a blue Himalayan sheep, also BURRELL, BURRHEL.
BHAVANBHAVAN n. (Hindi) a large house, also BHAWAN.
BHAWANBHAWAN n. (Hindi) a large house, also BHAVAN.
BRAHMABrahma prop.n. (Hinduism) Hindu god (deva) of creation and one of the Trimurti, the others being Vishnu and Shiva.
Brahma prop.n. (Hinduism) Alternative form of Brahman.
Brahma n. A large domestic fowl from the Brahmaputra region of India.
CASBAHcasbah n. The fortress in a city in North Africa or the Middle East.
casbah n. (By synecdoche) The medina, the older part of a city in North Africa or the Middle East.
casbah n. (Slang) A person’s house or flat/apartment.
DHABASdhabas n. Plural of dhaba.
DHABA n. (Hindi) (in India) a roadside cafi or food stall.
IBADAHIBADAH n. (Arabic) in Islam, service, worship.
KASBAHkasbah n. Alternative spelling of casbah.
KASBAH n. (Arabic) the old section of a North African city, also CASBAH.
SABHASsabhas n. Plural of sabha.
SABHA n. (Arabic) a set of beads used by Muslims during prayer, also SUBHA.
SABKHAsabkha n. (Geology) An area of coastal salt flats, especially in North Africa and Arabia.
SABKHA n. (Arabic) a broad, salt-encrusted coastal plain above the level of normal tides, also SABKHAH, SABKHAT.
SAHIBAsahiba n. Alternative form of sahibah.
SAHIBA n. (Hindi) a lady sahib, also SAHIBAH.
SHAMBAshamba n. (East Africa) An area of cultivated ground; a plot of land, a small subsistence farm for growing crops…
SHAMBA n. (Swahili) in East Africa, any plot, farm or smallholding used for growing crops.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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