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There are 12 five-letter words containing A, Q, S and U

AQUASaquas n. Plural of aqua.
AQUA n. (Latin) water.
QUADSquads n. Plural of quad.
quads n. (Poker slang) four of a kind.
quads n. (Music) a set of four tenor drums played by a drummer, typically in a marching band or drum corps.
QUAGSquags n. Plural of quag.
QUAG n. a quagmire.
QUAISQUAI n. (French) a quay.
QUASHquash v. To defeat decisively, to suppress.
quash v. (Obsolete) To crush or dash to pieces.
quash v. (Law) To void or suppress (A subpoena, decision, etc.).
QUASIquasi adj. Resembling or having a likeness to something.
quasi- pref. Almost, virtually.
quasi- pref. Resembling, appearing as.
QUASSquass n. Alternative spelling of kvass.
quass v. (Obsolete) to drink deeply; to quaff.
QUASS n. (Russian) a kind of Russian beer, also KVAS, KVASS.
QUATSquats n. Plural of quat.
quats v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of quat.
QUAT v. to beat down or squash.
QUAYSquays n. Plural of quay.
QUAY n. a wharf for the loading or unloading of vessels.
SQUABsquab n. (Sometimes attributive) A baby pigeon, dove, or chicken.
squab n. The meat of such a baby bird used as food.
squab n. A baby rook.
SQUADsquad n. A group of people organized for some common purpose, usually of about ten members.
squad n. (Slang) One’s friend group, taken collectively; one’s peeps.
squad v. (Intransitive) To act as part of, or on behalf of, a squad.
SQUATsquat adj. Relatively short or low, and thick or broad.
squat adj. Sitting on one’s heels; sitting close to the ground; cowering or crouching.
squat n. A position assumed by bending deeply at the knees while resting on one’s feet.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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