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There are 14 five-letter words containing A, P, T and Y

APTLYaptly adv. In an apt or suitable manner; fittingly; appropriately; suitably.
APT adv. suited to.
ATOPYatopy n. (Medicine) A hereditary disorder marked by the tendency to develop localized immediate hypersensitivity…
atopy n. A person suffering from atopic syndrome; a case of atopy.
ATOPY n. an inherited tendency to general allergy.
PANTYpanty n. (Obsolete, in the plural) Short trousers for men, or more usually boys.
panty n. (Usually in the plural, or in compounds) An article of clothing worn as underpants by women.
panty n. (Informal, roller derby) A helmet cover.
PARTYparty n. (Law) A person or group of people constituting a particular side in a contract or legal action.
party n. A person.
party n. (Now rare in general sense) A group of people forming one side in a given dispute, contest etc.
PASTYpasty adj. Like paste, sticky.
pasty adj. Pale, lacking colour, having a pallor.
pasty adj. (Slang, offensive, derogatory, ethnic slur) white-skinned.
PATLYpatly adv. In a pat manner; fitly, seasonably, conveniently, appositely.
PAT adv. hitting the mark precisely.
PATSYpatsy n. (Informal, derogatory) A person who is taken advantage of, especially by being cheated or blamed for something.
Patsy prop.n. A diminutive of the female given name Patricia.
Patsy prop.n. A diminutive of the male given name Patrick.
PATTYpatty n. (US, Australia, New Zealand) A flattened portion of ground meat or a vegetarian equivalent, usually…
patty n. (Jamaica) A pastry with various fillings and spices baked inside a flaky shell, often tinted golden…
patty n. (England, strictly MLE) A foolish or stupid person.
PEATYpeaty adj. Of or resembling peat; peatlike.
peaty adj. Of whisky, having a complex smoky flavour imparted by compounds released by peat fires used to dry the malted barley.
peaty adj. Containing peat.
PLATYplaty adj. Resembling plates.
platy adj. (Heraldry) Of a field semy of plates.
platy adj. (Geology, mineralogy) Composed of thin plate-like pieces of rock or mineral.
PRATYpraty n. (Dated, Ireland) A potato.
PRATY n. (Irish colloquial) a potato, also PRATIE.
PYATSPYAT n. (Scots) a magpie, also PYET, PIET, PYOT.
TYPALtypal adj. Of, relating to, or being a type; typical.
TYPAL adj. relating to a type, typical.
YRAPTyrapt v. (Obsolete) Rapt.
yrapt v. (Obsolete) Wrapped.
YRAPT adj. (Spenser) rapt.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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