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List of 5-letter words containing

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There are 8 five-letter words containing A, P and 2T

ATTAPattap n. Nipa; a palm tree of the species Nypa fruticans.
attap n. (Malaysia, Singapore) Thatch made from leaves of the nipa palm.
ATTAP n. (Malay) the nipa palm.
PATTEpatte n. A narrow band keeping a belt or sash in its place.
patté adj. (Heraldry) Narrow at the inner end, and very broad at the other end, or having its arms of that shape;…
PATTE n. (French) a narrow band keeping a belt in place.
PATTYpatty n. (US, Australia, New Zealand) A flattened portion of ground meat or a vegetarian equivalent, usually…
patty n. (Jamaica) A pastry with various fillings and spices baked inside a flaky shell, often tinted golden…
patty n. (England, strictly MLE) A foolish or stupid person.
PITTApitta n. Alternative spelling of pita.
pitta n. Any passerine belonging to the taxonomic family Pittidae.
Pitta prop.n. A surname from Italian.
PLATTplatt n. Obsolete spelling of plat or plot (scheme, plan, design, map).
platt n. Obsolete spelling of plat (material made by interweaving, especially material made by interweaving straw…
Platt prop.n. (Rare) Plattdeutsch, Low German.
PRATTpratt n. Alternative spelling of prat (“trick, prank”).
Pratt prop.n. A surname known in England, Ireland, and Scotland.
Pratt prop.n. A city, the county seat of Pratt County, Kansas.
TAPETtapet n. (Obsolete) A decorative wall-hanging; a hanging cloth or piece of tapestry.
TAPET v. (Spenser) to decorate with tapestries.
TRAPTtrapt v. (Archaic) simple past tense and past participle of trap.
trapt v. (Archaic) Alternative form of trapped.
TRAP v. to catch in a snare.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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