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List of 5-letter words containing

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There are 6 five-letter words containing A, O, T and Z

AZOTEazote n. (Chemistry, now historical) nitrogen.
AZOTE n. an old name for nitrogen.
AZOTHazoth n. (Alchemy) The first principle of metals, that is, mercury, which was formerly supposed to exist in all…
azoth n. The universal remedy of Paracelsus.
AZOTH n. (Arabic) an alchemist's name for mercury.
MATZOmatzo n. (Uncountable) Thin, unleavened bread in Jewish cuisine.
matzo n. (Countable) A piece of the above bread.
MATZO n. (Yiddish) unleavened bread, esp. as eaten on Pesach, also MATSAH, MATZA, MATZAH, MATZOH.
MOTZAmotza n. Misspelling of matzo.
motza n. (Australia, slang) A lot of money.
MOTZA n. (Australian slang) a large amount of money, esp. a gambling win, also MOTSER.
TOAZETOAZE v. (Shakespeare) to tease out, draw out, also TEASE, TEAZE, TOSE, TOZE.
TOPAZtopaz n. A silicate mineral of aluminium and fluorine, usually tinted by impurities.
topaz n. An often clear, yellowish-brown gemstone cut from this.
topaz n. A yellowish-brown color, like that of the gemstone.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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