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List of 5-letter words containing

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There are 11 five-letter words containing A, O, P and T

ADOPTadopt v. To take (A child, heir, friend, citizen, etc.) by choice into a relationship.
adopt v. To take or receive as one’s own what is not so naturally.
adopt v. To select and take or approve.
APORTaport adv. (Nautical) on the left side of the boat.
APORT adv. towards the left side of a ship.
ATOPYatopy n. (Medicine) A hereditary disorder marked by the tendency to develop localized immediate hypersensitivity…
atopy n. A person suffering from atopic syndrome; a case of atopy.
ATOPY n. an inherited tendency to general allergy.
CAPOTcapot n. (Card games) A winning of all the tricks in the game of piquet, counting for forty points.
capot v. (Transitive, intransitive) To win all the tricks (from), when playing at piquet.
CAPOT v. to win all the tricks.
COAPTcoapt v. To fit together; often, to fit together and fasten, sometimes with mutual adaptation.
COAPT v. to fit together and make fast.
PANTOpanto n. (Britain, informal) Clipping of pantomime.
panto n. (Countable, rail transport, informal) Clipping of pantograph.
panto- pref. All.
PATIOpatio n. A paved outside area, adjoining a house, used for dining or recreation.
patio n. An inner courtyard typical of traditional houses in some regions of Spain.
PATIO n. an outdoor paved area adjoining a house.
PLOATploat v. To pluck or strip off.
ploat v. To plunder or rifle.
PLOAT v. (Scots) to dip in very hot water, to scald.
PORTAporta n. (Anatomy) The part of the liver or other organ where its vessels and nerves enter; the hilum.
porta n. (Anatomy) The foramen of Monro.
Porta prop.n. A surname.
POTAEPOTAE n. (Maori) a hat.
TOPAZtopaz n. A silicate mineral of aluminium and fluorine, usually tinted by impurities.
topaz n. An often clear, yellowish-brown gemstone cut from this.
topaz n. A yellowish-brown color, like that of the gemstone.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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