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There are 19 five-letter words containing A, L, O and P

APIOLapiol n. (Organic chemistry) An oleoresin extracted from parsley.
APIOL n. an oily liquid derived from parsley.
COPALcopal n. A resinous exudation from various tropical trees, especially Hymenaea courbaril and Schinus terebinthifolia…
COPAL n. (Nahuatl) a hard resin got from tropical trees.
GALOPgalop n. A lively French country dance of the nineteenth century, a forerunner of the polka, combining a glissade…
galop n. The music for a dance of this kind.
galop v. To dance the galop.
JALOPjalop n. Alternative form of jalap (purgative drug).
JALOP n. the purgative root of a Mexican plant, also JALAP.
NOPALnopal n. A prickly pear cactus from the genus Opuntia, especially Opuntia cochinellifera; the edible pads (fleshy…
NOPAL n. (Nahuatl) a Central American cactus plant, on which the cochineal insect feeds, and from which it is collected.
OLPAEolpae n. Plural of olpe.
OLPE n. (Greek) a Greek jug.
OPALSopals n. Plural of opal.
Opals prop.n. (Chiefly Australia) The women’s national basketball representative team of Australia.
OPAL n. an amorphous variety of silica.
PAOLIpaoli n. Plural of paolo.
Paoli prop.n. A surname.
Paoli prop.n. A statutory town in Phillips County, Colorado, United States.
PAOLOpaolo n. An old Italian silver coin.
Paolo prop.n. A male given name from Italian, equivalent to English Paul.
PAOLO n. (Italian) an obsolete papal coin, also PAUL.
PAROLparol adj. Word of mouth.
parol adj. (Law) Verbal, oral, informal.
parol n. A word; an oral utterance.
PILAOPILAO n. (Persian) a dish made from seasoned rice and meat, also PILAU, PILAFF, PILAF, PILAW, PILOW, PILLAU, PULAO.
PLOATploat v. To pluck or strip off.
ploat v. To plunder or rifle.
PLOAT v. (Scots) to dip in very hot water, to scald.
PODALpodal adj. Relating to the foot.
PODAL adj. of the feet, also PODALIC.
POKALpokal n. (Historical) A tall drinking cup.
POKAL n. (German) a tall drinking cup.
POLARpolar adj. Of or having a pole or polarity.
polar adj. (Geography) Of, relating to, measured from, or referred to a geographic pole (the North Pole or South…
polar adj. (Space sciences) Of an orbit that passes over, or near, one of these poles.
POLKApolka n. A lively dance originating in Bohemia.
polka n. The music for this dance.
polka n. A polka jacket.
PORALporal adj. Relating to pores.
PORAL adj. pertaining to pores.
PULAOpulao n. Alternative form of pilaf.
PULAO n. (Persian) a dish made from seasoned rice and meat, also PILAO, PILAU, PILAFF, PILAF, PILAW, PILOW, PILLAU.
SALOPsalop n. Alternative form of saloop.
Salop prop.n. An old name for Shropshire and the official name for the county between 1974 and 1980, still occasionally…
SALOP n. (Turkish) a hot drink made from an infusion of salep, later from sassafras, formerly used as a tonic, also SALEP, SALOOP.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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