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List of 5-letter words containing

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There are 7 five-letter words containing A, L, M and T

MALTSmalts n. Plural of malt.
MALT v. to treat or combine with malt.
MALTYmalty adj. Of, pertaining to, containing, or characteristic of malt.
MALTY adj. resembling malt.
METALmetal n. (Heading) Chemical elements or alloys, and the mines where their ores come from.
metal n. (Heraldry) A light tincture used in a coat of arms, specifically argent (white or silver) and or (gold).
metal n. Molten glass that is to be blown or moulded to form objects.
SMALTsmalt n. A deep blue pigment made from powdered glass mixed with cobalt oxide.
SMALT n. a blue pigment.
TALMAtalma n. (Dated) A kind of large cape, or short, full cloak.
TALMA n. a long loose black cloak, often worn by tragedians.
TAMALtamal n. Alternative form of tamale (Mexican food dish).
TAMAL n. (Nahuatl) cornmeal dough rolled with ground meat or beans seasoned usually with chili, also TAMALE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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