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There are 17 five-letter words containing A, 2L and Y

ALKYLalkyl n. (Organic chemistry) Any of a series of univalent radicals of the general formula CnH2n+1 derived from…
ALKYL n. any radical derived from an alkane by removal of a hydrogen atom.
ALLAYallay v. (Transitive) To make quiet or put at rest; to pacify or appease; to quell; to calm.
allay v. (Transitive) To alleviate; to abate; to mitigate.
allay v. (Intransitive, obsolete) To subside, abate, become peaceful.
ALLEYalley n. A narrow street or passageway, especially one through the middle of a block giving access to the rear…
alley n. (Baseball) The area between the outfielders.
alley n. (Bowling) An establishment where bowling is played.
ALLOYalloy n. A metal that is a combination of two or more elements, at least one of which is a metal.
alloy n. (Archaic) A metal of lesser value, mixed with a metal of greater value.
alloy n. An admixture; something added which stains, taints etc.
ALLYLallyl n. (Organic chemistry, especially in combination) The univalent radical, CH2=CH-CH2-, existing especially…
ALLYL n. an organic radical existing esp. in oils of garlic and mustard.
BALLYbally adj. (Britain, dated, euphemistic) Bloody (used as a mild intensifier).
bally adv. (UK, dated, euphemistic) Very.
bally n. (MLE) A balaclava.
DALLYdally v. To waste time in trivial activities, or in idleness; to trifle.
dally v. (Transitive, intransitive) To caress, especially of a sexual nature; to fondle or pet.
dally v. To delay unnecessarily; to while away.
GALLYgally n. Archaic form of galley.
gally adj. Characterised by or resembling gall; bitter.
gally v. (Obsolete, UK, dialect) To frighten; to worry.
LALDYLALDY n. (Scots) a beating or thrashing, also LALDIE.
LAXLYlaxly adv. In a lax manner; without rigor or strictness.
LAX adv. slack, careless.
LOYALloyal adj. Having or demonstrating undivided and constant support for someone or something.
loyal adj. Firm in allegiance to a person or institution.
loyal adj. Faithful to a person or cause.
MYALLmyall n. (Obsolete, Australian Aboriginal) A stranger; an ignorant person.
myall n. (Australia) An Aborigine living according to tradition.
myall adj. (Australia) According to Aboriginal tradition; traditionally indigenous.
PALLYpally adj. Like a pal; friendly.
pally n. (US) An affectionate term of address.
pally n. (US, Australia) A slightly derogatory and insulting term of address.
RALLYrally n. A public gathering or mass meeting that is not mainly a protest and is organized to inspire enthusiasm for a cause.
rally n. A protest or demonstration for or against something, but often with speeches and often without marching…
rally n. (Squash, table tennis, tennis, badminton) A sequence of strokes between serving and scoring a point.
SALLYsally n. A willow.
sally n. Any tree that looks like a willow.
sally n. An object made from the above trees’ wood.
TALLYtally interj. (Radio, aviation) Target sighted.
tally n. Abbreviation of tally stick.
tally n. (By extension) One of two books, sheets of paper, etc., on which corresponding accounts were kept.
WALLYwally n. (Britain, slang) A fool.
wally n. (Colloquial, London and Essex) A large pickled gherkin or cucumber.
wally adj. (Of eyes) unusually pale; misaligned, sideways-looking, affected by strabismus.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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