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There are 17 five-letter words containing A, K, R and T

KARATkarat n. (US) A unit of fineness or concentration of gold equalling 1/24 part of gold in an alloy.
KARAT n. (US) a unit of quality for gold, also CARAT, CARRAT.
KARSTkarst n. (Geology) A type of land formation, usually with many caves formed through the dissolving of limestone…
Karst prop.n. A mountainous region in northeastern Italy and southwestern Slovenia.
KARST n. (German) a landscape composed of limestone features including sinkholes, caves, and underground streams.
KARTSkarts n. Plural of kart.
KART n. a small motor vehicle.
KORATKorat n. A blue-grey short-haired breed of domestic cat with heart-shaped head and large green eyes.
KORAT n. (Thai) a cat with a silver-blue coat.
KRAFTkraft n. A kind of strong, smooth brown wrapping paper.
Kraft prop.n. A surname.
KRAFT n. (German) a type of strong brown wrapping paper.
KRAITkrait n. Any of several brightly-coloured, venomous snakes, of the genus Bungarus, of southeast Asia.
KRAIT n. (Hindi) a venomous snake of India, also KARAIT.
KRAUTkraut n. Clipping of sauerkraut.
kraut n. Alternative letter-case form of Kraut (“German person”).
Kraut n. (Ethnic slur, offensive, slang) A German.
KURTAkurta n. A traditional article of clothing worn in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka, consisting…
KURTA n. (Hindi) a loose-fitting tunic of India, also KHURTA.
SKARTskart n. (UK, dialect) Alternative form of scarf (“cormorant”).
SKART n. (Scots) a cormorant, also SCART, SCARTH, SKARTH.
STARKstark adj. (Obsolete) Hard, firm; obdurate.
stark adj. Severe; violent; fierce (now usually in describing the weather).
stark adj. (Poetic, literary or archaic) Strong; vigorous; powerful.
STRAKSTRIKE v. to hit.
TAKERtaker n. One who takes something.
taker n. A person or thing that takes or receives, often more than he or she gives.
taker n. One who is willing to participate in, or buy, something.
TAROKtarok n. Dated form of tarot.
TAROK n. a pack of cards used in fortune-telling, also TAROC, TAROT.
TRACKtrack n. A mark left by something that has passed along.
track n. A mark or impression left by the foot, either of man or animal.
track n. The entire lower surface of the foot; said of birds, etc.
TRAIKTRAIK v. (Scots) to make one's way wearily; to get lost.
TRANKtrank n. An oblong piece of skin from which the pieces for a glove are cut.
trank n. Alternative spelling of tranq (“tranquilizer”).
trank v. Alternative spelling of tranq (“tranquilize”).
TROAKtroak v. (Scotland) To barter or trade, especially outside a government monopoly.
troak n. (Scotland) Barter; exchange; truck.
troak n. (Scotland) Small wares.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 45 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: 28 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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