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List of 5-letter words containing

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There are 8 five-letter words containing A, K, N and O

KAONSkaons n. Plural of kaon.
KAON n. an elementary particle of the meson family.
KOANSkoans n. Plural of koan.
kōans n. Plural of kōan.
KOAN n. (Japanese) a paradox meditated on by Buddhist monks.
KOBANkoban n. An oval gold coin in the Edo period of feudal Japan.
koban n. A small community police office or a police box, especially one in Japan.
KOBAN n. (Japanese) an obsolete Japanese gold coin, also KOBANG, OBANG.
KRONAkrona n. The official currency of Sweden.
króna n. The currency of Iceland, divided into 100 aurar.
króna n. The currency of the Faroe Islands, divided into 100 oyru.
OAKENoaken adj. Made from the wood of the oak tree. Also in metaphorical uses, suggesting robustness.
OAKEN adj. like an oak.
PANKOpanko n. Coarse, dry breadcrumbs used in Japanese cuisine.
Panko prop.n. A surname.
PANKO n. (Japanese) a variety of breadcrumb from Japanese and French cuisine used to create a crunchy coating for fried foods.
SANKOSANKO n. a West African guitar, also SANCHO.
TONKAtonka n. A flavoring or fragrance used in foodstuffs and derived from the tonka bean.
TONKA adj. (Tupi) as in tonka bean, a tall leguminous African tree with fragrant black almond-shaped seeds.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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