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List of 5-letter words containing

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There are 8 five-letter words containing A, K, L and O

ALKOSALKO n. (Australian slang) a heavy drinker or alcoholic, also ALCO.
CLOAKcloak n. A long outer garment worn over the shoulders covering the back; a cape, often with a hood.
cloak n. A blanket-like covering, often metaphorical.
cloak n. (Figurative) That which conceals; a disguise or pretext.
KOALAkoala n. A tree-dwelling marsupial, Phascolarctos cinereus, that resembles a small bear with a broad head, large…
Koala prop.n. (Countable) A surname.
Koala prop.n. A West African placename.
KOGALkogal n. (Uncountable) A subculture of conspicuous consumption among young women in urban Japan, typified by…
kogal n. (Countable) A member of this subculture.
KOGAL n. (Japanese) a teenage girl or young woman noted for her busy social life and her purchase of expensive designer clothes and accessories and the latest electronic gadgets.
KOLASkolas n. Plural of kola.
Kolas prop.n. Plural of Kola.
KOLA n. a genus of West African trees producing nuts used in drugs and for flavouring soft drinks, also COLA.
POKALpokal n. (Historical) A tall drinking cup.
POKAL n. (German) a tall drinking cup.
POLKApolka n. A lively dance originating in Bohemia.
polka n. The music for this dance.
polka n. A polka jacket.
SKOALskoal interj. A toast when drinking, roughly equivalent to cheers.
skoal v. To make such a toast.
SKOAL v. (Old Norse) to down a drink in one gulp, also SKOL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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