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There are 17 five-letter words containing A, I, R and U

AUREIaurei n. Plural of aureus.
AUREUS n. (Latin) a gold coin of ancient Rome.
AURICauric adj. (Inorganic chemistry) Of or pertaining to trivalent gold.
auric adj. (Obsolete) Of, or pertaining to the ear; aural.
auric adj. Pertaining to an aura.
AURISAURIS n. (Latin) the ear.
CAURIcauri n. A former monetary subdivision, equivalent to one hundredth of a Guinean syli.
cauri n. An extremely tall tree found exclusively in New Zealand, the kauri.
cauri n. A type of seashell found on the western coast of the African continent.
CURIAcuria n. (Historical) Any of the subdivisions of a tribe in ancient Rome.
curia n. (Historical) The Roman senate during the republic.
curia n. (Historical) Any of several medieval councils or courts of justice.
KAURIkauri n. A conifer of the genus Agathis, family Araucariaceae, found in Australasia and Melanesia.
kauri n. (New Zealand) Agathis australis, a large conifer of the family Araucariaceae.
kauri n. A resinous product of the kauri tree, found in the form of yellow or brown lumps in the ground where…
MAURImauri n. (New Zealand) life force, according to Maori beliefs.
Mauri prop.n. A surname from Italian.
MAURI n. (Maori) the soul.
NAIRUNAIRU n. (Economics) Initialism of non-accelerating inflation rate of unemployment.
NAIRU n. an acronym for Non-Accelerating Inflation Rate of Unemployment.
QUAIRQUAIR n. (obsolete) a quire; a book.
RAHUIrahui n. (New Zealand) In Māori culture, restriction of access to a place, as a form of taboo.
RAHUI n. (Maori) a Maori prohibition.
RUBAIrubai n. (Poetry) A quatrain in classical Arabic, Persian, Turkic or Urdu poetry.
ruba'i n. Alternative spelling of rubai.
RUBAI n. (Arabic) a Persian verse-form, a four-line stanza.
RUPIArupia n. (Pathology) An ulcer due to syphilis.
rupia n. (Historical) The former currencies of Italian Somaliland and Portuguese India.
RUPIA n. (Greek) a skin ulcer covered with dead tissue.
URAEIuraei n. Plural of uraeus.
uræi n. Plural of uræus.
URAEUS n. (Greek) an Egyptian symbol of kingship, a rearing cobra worn on the king's forehead or crown.
URALIurali n. Alternative form of wourali.
URALI n. (Caribbean) the plant yielding curare, also OORALI, OURALI, OURARI, URARI, WOORALI, WOORARA, WOORARI, WOURALI.
URARIurari n. Alternative form of curare.
URARI n. (Caribbean) the plant yielding curare, also OORALI, OURALI, OURARI, URALI, WOORALI, WOORARA, WOORARI, WOURALI.
URBIAURBIA n. (Latin) cities collectively.
URIALurial n. A bearded reddish sheep, subspecies of Ovis orientalis (including Ovis orientalis vignei), previously…
URIAL n. (Punjabi) a wild sheep of central Asia, that has a reddish coat and long curved horns, also OORIAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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