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List of 5-letter words containing

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There are 11 five-letter words containing A, I and 2R

AIRERairer n. A framework upon which laundry is aired; a clotheshorse.
AIRER n. a frame on which to dry clothes.
ARDRIARDRI n. (Irish) a title given to the High King of Ireland, also ARDRIGH.
ARRISarris n. A sharp edge or ridge formed by the intersection of two surfaces.
arris n. (Architecture) A sharp edge or ridge formed by the intersection of two curved surfaces.
arris n. (Archaeology) A ridge formed on the surface of flaked stone, such as a arrowhead or hand axe, as the…
BRIARbriar n. Any of many plants with thorny stems growing in dense clusters, such as many in the Rosa, Rubus, and Smilax genera.
briar n. (Figurative) Anything sharp or unpleasant to the feelings.
briar n. The white heath (Erica arborea), a thorny Mediterranean shrub.
FRIARfriar n. A member of a mendicant Christian order such as the Augustinians, Carmelites (white friars), Franciscans…
friar n. (Printing, dated) A white or pale patch on a printed page caused by poor inking.
friar n. An American fish, the silverside.
KARRIkarri n. The tree Eucalyptus diversicolor, native to south-western Western Australia.
karri n. The hard timber of the karri tree.
KARRI n. (Native Australian) a type of Australian gum tree.
MARRImarri n. Corymbia calophylla, an Australian tree.
MARRI n. (Native Australian) a eucalyptus of West Australia, with coloured flowers.
RAIRDRAIRD n. (Scots) an uproar, also REIRD.
SIRRAsirra n. Alternative spelling of sirrah.
SIRRA n. (obsolete) a mode of address, sir, also SIREE, SIRRAH, SIRREE.
URARIurari n. Alternative form of curare.
URARI n. (Caribbean) the plant yielding curare, also OORALI, OURALI, OURARI, URALI, WOORALI, WOORARA, WOORARI, WOURALI.
WIRRAwirra interj. (Ireland) Exclamation of dismay.
WIRRA interj. an interjection expressing sorrow, also WHIRRA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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