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There are 12 five-letter words containing A, I, N and O

ALOINaloin n. (Pharmacology) A glycoside derivative of anthracene, found in aloe, that is used as a laxative.
ALOIN n. a kind of laxative.
AMINOamino adj. (Chemistry) Relating to an amine.
amino n. (Chemistry) The amine functional group.
amino- pref. (Chemistry) Of amines and of the amino functional group.
AMNIOamnio n. Amniocentesis.
amnio- pref. Amnion; amniotic.
AMNIO n. (short for) an amniocentesis, a test of amniotic fluid for foetal abnormalities.
ANIONanion n. A negatively charged ion.
ANION n. an ion with a negative electrical charge, having gained one or more electrons.
AVIONAVION n. (French) an aeroplane.
AXIONaxion n. (Physics) A hypothetical subatomic particle postulated to resolve certain symmetry problems concerning…
AXION n. a hypothetical subatomic particle.
CONIAconia n. (Organic chemistry) Synonym of coniine.
CONIA n. a liquid, highly poisonous alkaloid found in hemlock, also CONICINE, CONIINE, CONIN, CONINE.
DANIOdanio n. (Chiefly in combination) Any of various fish of the genera Danio and Devario.
Danio prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Cyprinidae – the danios or danionins, small tropical fish often…
DANIO n. a brightly coloured tropical freshwater fish.
GONIAgonia n. Plural of gonion.
GONION n. a part of the lower jaw.
NGAIOngaio n. An evergreen tree, Myoporum laetum, native to New Zealand.
NGAIO n. (Maori) a New Zealand tree with white wood.
NORIAnoria n. A water wheel with attached buckets, used to raise and deposit water.
noria n. Any machine using buckets to raise water to an aqueduct.
NORIA n. (Arabic) esp. in Spain and the East, a device for raising water from a stream etc., consisting of a chain of pots or buckets, revolving round a wheel driven by the water current.
PIANOpiano n. (Music) a percussive keyboard musical instrument, usually ranging over seven octaves, with white and…
piano v. To play the piano.
piano v. (Of or with fingers) To move (the fingers) up and down on, similar to the motions of a pianist playing the piano.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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