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List of 5-letter words containing

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There are 13 five-letter words containing A, I, L and O

ABOILaboil adj. In a boil; boiling.
aboil adj. (Figurative) Heated up; excited.
aboil adv. In a boil; boiling.
AIOLIaioli n. A type of sauce, similar to mayonnaise, made from garlic, egg, lemon juice and olive oil.
aïoli n. Alternative spelling of aioli.
AIOLI n. (French) a garlic-flavoured mayonnaise.
ALOINaloin n. (Pharmacology) A glycoside derivative of anthracene, found in aloe, that is used as a laxative.
ALOIN n. a kind of laxative.
APIOLapiol n. (Organic chemistry) An oleoresin extracted from parsley.
APIOL n. an oily liquid derived from parsley.
AULOIauloi n. Plural of aulos.
AULOS n. (Greek) an ancient wind instrument.
DOLIAdolia n. Plural of dolium.
dolia n. An old Russian unit of weight, approximately 44 milligrams.
DOLIUM n. (Latin) a Roman earthenware jar for grain, oil etc.
FOLIAfolia n. Plural of folium.
FOLIUM n. (Latin) a leaf, a thin layer.
IDOLAidola n. Plural of idolon.
idola n. Plural of idolum.
IDOLON n. a mental image, a fallacy, also EIDOLON, IDOLUM.
LOGIAlogia n. Plural of logion.
LOGION n. (Greek) a saying attributed to Jesus.
PAOLIpaoli n. Plural of paolo.
Paoli prop.n. A surname.
Paoli prop.n. A statutory town in Phillips County, Colorado, United States.
PILAOPILAO n. (Persian) a dish made from seasoned rice and meat, also PILAU, PILAFF, PILAF, PILAW, PILOW, PILLAU, PULAO.
VIOLAviola n. (Botany) Any of several flowering plants, of the genus Viola, including the violets and pansies.
viola n. A stringed instrument of the violin family, somewhat larger than a violin, played under the chin, and…
viola n. A person who plays the viola.
VOILAvoila interj. Alternative spelling of voilà.
voilà interj. Lo, there it is; see here; ta-da; presto; behold!
VOILA interj. (French) there it is.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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