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There are 19 five-letter words containing A, H and 2S

ASHESashes n. Plural of ash.
ashes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of ash.
Ashes prop.n. Plural of Ash.
HASKShasks n. Plural of hask.
HASK n. (Spenser) a fish-basket.
HASPShasps n. Plural of hasp.
HASP v. to fasten with a clasp, also HESP.
SHADSshads n. Plural of shad.
Shads prop.n. Plural of Shad.
SHAD n. a herring-like marine fish, spawning in rivers.
SHAGSshags n. Plural of shag.
SHAG v. to make shaggy.
SHAHSshahs n. Plural of shah.
Shahs prop.n. Plural of Shah.
shāhs n. Plural of shāh.
SHAMSshams n. Plural of sham.
Shams prop.n. A surname from Arabic.
Shams prop.n. Plural of Sham.
SHANSShans n. Plural of Shan.
SHAN n. (obsolete) in criminal slang, a base or counterfeit coin, also SHAND.
SHAPSshaps n. Alternative form of chaps (clothing).
SHAPS n. (short for) chaparajos, a cowboy's leather riding leggings.
SHASHshash n. (Obsolete) The scarf of a turban.
shash n. (Obsolete) A sash.
shash n. (Television) Synonym of snow (“random pattern of dots when there is no signal”).
SHAWSshaws n. Plural of shaw.
shaws n. Stalks or leaves of root vegetables.
Shaws prop.n. Plural of Shaw.
SHAYSshays n. Plural of shay.
SHAY n. a light carriage, also CHAISE.
SHEASSheas n. Plural of Shea.
SHEA n. an African tree, from the seeds of which a substance resembling butter is obtained.
SHWASshwas n. Plural of shwa.
SHWA n. (German) a vowel sound, like "a" in alone or "e" in linen, that in English often appears unstressed, also SCHWA.
SLASHslash n. A slashing action or motion, particularly…
slash n. A mark made by a slashing motion, particularly…
slash n. Something resembling such a mark, particularly…
SMASHsmash n. The sound of a violent impact; a violent striking together.
smash n. (Britain, colloquial) A traffic collision.
smash n. (Colloquial) Something very successful or popular (as music, food, fashion, etc).
SNASHsnash n. (Scotland) Verbal abuse; insolence; guff.
snash v. (Scotland) To talk impudently.
SNASH v. to talk abusively.
STASHstash n. (Countable) A collection, sometimes hidden; a reserve.
stash n. (Countable, US, slang, informal, AAVE) A place where drugs are stored.
stash n. (Uncountable, UK, slang) Clothing or other items branded with a particular university club or society’s logo.
SWASHswash n. The water that washes up on shore after an incoming wave has broken.
swash n. A narrow sound or channel of water lying within a sand bank, or between a sand bank and the shore, or…
swash n. A wet splashing sound.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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