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List of 5-letter words containing

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There are 10 five-letter words containing A, G, T and U

AGUTIaguti n. Archaic form of agouti.
AGUTI n. a burrowing South American rodent, also AGOUTI, ACOUCHI, ACOUCHY, AGOUTY.
AUGHTaught pron. (Archaic or dialectal) anything whatsoever, any part.
aught adv. (Archaic) At all, in any degree, in any respect.
aught n. Whit, the smallest part, iota.
GALUTGALUT n. (Hebrew) the forced exile of Jews, the diaspora, also GALUTH.
GAMUTgamut n. A (normally) complete range.
gamut n. (Music) All the notes in a musical scale.
gamut n. All the colours that can be presented by a device such as a monitor or printer.
GAULTgault n. A type of stiff, blue clay, sometimes used for making bricks.
Gault prop.n. A surname.
GAULT n. a heavy thick clay soil.
GAUNTgaunt adj. Lean, angular, and bony.
gaunt adj. Haggard, drawn, and emaciated.
gaunt adj. Bleak, barren, and desolate.
GHAUTghaut n. (Caribbean) Alternative form of ghat: a steep ravine leading to the sea.
ghaut n. (India) Archaic form of ghat.
GHAUT n. (Hindi) in India, a landing stage; a place for cremation, also GHAT.
GUTTAgutta n. (Architecture) A small water-repelling, cone-shaped projection used in the architrave of the Doric order…
gutta n. A small round spot of colour.
GUTTA n. latex, also GUTTY.
TEGUATEGUA n. an ankle-high moccasin worn by Mexican and Indians.
TUGRAtugra n. Alternative form of tughra.
TUGRA n. (Turkish) an ornamental monogram incorporating the name and title of the Sultan, also TUGHRA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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