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List of 5-letter words containing

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There are 8 five-letter words containing A, G, O and P

GALOPgalop n. A lively French country dance of the nineteenth century, a forerunner of the polka, combining a glissade…
galop n. The music for a dance of this kind.
galop v. To dance the galop.
GAPOSGAPO n. (Tupi) in Peru, a riverside forest periodically flooded, also IGAPO.
GOMPAgompa n. (Buddhism) A Buddhist ecclesiastical fortification of learning, lineage and sadhana in Tibet, India, Nepal, or Bhutan.
GOMPA n. (Tibetan) a Buddhist temple or monastery in Tibet.
GOPAKgopak n. Alternative form of hopak.
GOPAK n. (Russian) a high-leaping folk-dance from the Ukraine, also HOPAK.
IGAPOigapo n. Alternative form of igapó.
igapó n. A blackwater-flooded Amazonian forest.
IGAPO n. (Tupi) in Peru, a riverside forest periodically flooded, also GAPO.
PAGODpagod n. Obsolete form of pagoda. (Asian religious building)
pagod n. Obsolete form of pagoda. (idol)
pagod n. Obsolete form of pagoda. (currency unit)
PARGOPARGO n. (Spanish) a kind of food fish.
PONGAponga n. Alsophila dealbata (=Cyathea dealbata), a medium-sized tree fern endemic to New Zealand.
PONGA n. (Maori) a tall tree-fern of New Zealand, with soft thick leaves, also PUNGA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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