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There are 14 five-letter words containing A, G, M and O

AMIGOamigo n. (Informal) A friend.
amigo n. (Informal, chiefly California) Mexican.
amigo n. (Historical) A native of the Philippines who was friendly toward the Spanish.
AMONGamong prep. Denotes a mingling or intermixing with distinct or separable objects. (See Usage Note at amidst.)
among prep. Denotes a belonging of a person or a thing to a group.
among prep. Denotes a sharing of a common feature in a group.
DOGMAdogma n. An authoritative principle, belief or statement of opinion, especially one considered to be absolutely…
dogma n. A doctrine (or set of doctrines) relating to matters such as morality and faith, set forth authoritatively…
DOGMA n. (Greek) an authoritative belief.
GAMBOgambo n. A low, flat cart, typically two-wheeled and with the sides consisting only of poles, used for carrying…
Gambo prop.n. A town in Newfoundland, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.
GAMBO n. (Welsh) a simple farm cart or hay-wagon.
GLOAMgloam n. (Obsolete) Twilight; clipping of gloaming.
gloam v. (Intransitive) To begin to grow dark; to grow dusky.
gloam v. (Intransitive) To be sullen or morose.
GOMPAgompa n. (Buddhism) A Buddhist ecclesiastical fortification of learning, lineage and sadhana in Tibet, India, Nepal, or Bhutan.
GOMPA n. (Tibetan) a Buddhist temple or monastery in Tibet.
GROMAgroma n. A Roman surveying instrument having plumb lines hanging from four arms at right angles.
GROMA n. (Latin) a Roman surveying instrument.
IMAGOimago n. (Entomology) The final developmental stage of an insect after undergoing metamorphosis.
imago n. (Psychology) An idealised concept of a loved one, formed in childhood and retained unconsciously into…
IMAGO n. (Latin) an insect in its final, adult, sexually mature, and typically winged state.
MAGOTmagot n. (Archaic) The Barbary macaque (Macaca sylvanus) native to the Atlas Mountains of Algeria and Morocco…
magot n. (Art) A seated oriental figurine, usually of porcelain or ivory, of a grotesque form.
Magot prop.n. A surname.
MANGOmango n. A tropical Asian fruit tree, Mangifera indica.
mango n. The fruit of the mango tree.
mango n. A pickled vegetable or fruit with a spicy stuffing; a vegetable or fruit which has been mangoed.
NGOMAngoma n. A large social dancing event in parts of Africa.
NGOMA n. (Swahili) a type of drum.
OGAMSogams n. Plural of ogam.
OGAM n. (Irish) a 6th century Irish writing alphabet, also OGHAM.
OGHAMogham n. Alternative form of Ogham.
ogham prop.n. Alternative form of Ogham.
Ogham prop.n. An ancient Celtic alphabet historically used to write Primitive Irish.
OMEGAomega n. The twenty-fourth letter of the Classical and the Modern Greek alphabet, and the twenty-eighth letter…
omega n. (Often capitalized) The end; the final, last or ultimate in a sequence.
omega n. (Physics) Angular velocity; symbol: ω.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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