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List of 5-letter words containing

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There are 6 five-letter words containing A, G and 2M

GAMMAgamma n. The third letter of the Greek alphabet (Γ, γ), preceded by beta (Β, β) and followed by delta, (Δ, δ).
gamma n. (Physics) A gamma ray or gamma-ray photon.
gamma n. (Mathematics) The Gamma function, symbolized by Γ.
GAMMEGAMME n. a musical scale.
GAMMYgammy adj. Injured, or not functioning properly (with respect to legs).
gammy n. (Colloquial) Grandmother.
gammy n. (Scotland, slang, vulgar) A blowjob; fellatio.
GEMMAgemma n. (Biology) An asexual reproductive structure, as found in animals such as hydra (genus Hydra) and plants…
Gemma prop.n. A female given name from Italian.
Gemma prop.n. (Astronomy) A bright binary star in the constellation Corona Borealis; Alpha (α) Coronae Borealis.
GUMMAgumma n. (Pathology) a soft, non-cancerous growth, a form of granuloma, resulting from the tertiary stage of syphilis.
GUMMA n. (Latin) a syphilitic tumour.
MAGMAmagma n. (Geology) The molten matter within the earth, the source of the material of lava flows, dikes of eruptive rocks, etc.
magma n. (Mathematics) A basic algebraic structure consisting of a set equipped with a single binary operation.
magma n. Any soft doughy mass.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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