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There are 11 five-letter words containing A, G, H and S

AGHASaghas n. Plural of agha.
Aghas prop.n. Plural of Agha.
AGHA n. (Turkish) a Turkish military officer, also AGA.
BAGHSbaghs n. Plural of bagh.
BAGH n. (Hindi) a garden.
GATHSGaths prop.n. Plural of Gath.
GATH n. in Indian music, the second section of a raga.
GHASTghast v. Alternative form of gast.
ghast adj. Having a ghastly appearance; weird.
ghast n. (Fantasy) An evil spirit or monster; a ghoul.
GHATSghats n. Plural of ghat.
Ghats prop.n. A pair of mountain ranges in southern India.
ghâts n. Plural of ghât.
GNASHgnash v. (Transitive) To grind (one’s teeth) in pain or in anger.
gnash v. (Transitive) To grind between the teeth.
gnash v. (Figurative) To clash together violently.
HAGGSHaggs prop.n. Plural of Hagg.
HAGG n. (Scots) broken ground in a moss or bog, a place from which peat has been dug.
HANGShangs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of hang.
Hangs n. Plural of Hang.
HANG v. to attach from above, suspend.
SANGHsangh n. Alternative form of sangha.
SANGH n. (Hindi) an association promoting unity between different groups in Hinduism.
SAUGHsaugh n. (Archaic) willow.
saugh n. A small burn or creek.
SAUGH n. (Scots) a sallow, a willow tree, also SAUCH.
SHAGSshags n. Plural of shag.
SHAG v. to make shaggy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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