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List of 5-letter words containing

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There are 9 five-letter words containing A, G, H and I

AHIGHahigh adv. (Obsolete) on high.
AHIGH adv. (obsolete) on high.
AHINGahing v. Present participle of ah.
AH v. to say ah.
AIGHTaight adj. (AAVE, Britain, slang) Contraction of all right.
aight adj. (AAVE, Britain, slang) Okay; average; nothing special.
aight adv. (AAVE, slang) Contraction of all right.
ANIGHanigh adv. (Archaic) Nigh; near; close by (to).
anigh prep. (Archaic) Nigh; near.
ANIGH adv. nigh.
BIGHAbigha n. (India) A measure of land in India, varying from a third of an acre to an acre.
BIGHA n. (Hindi) an Indian land measure, also BEEGAH.
GHAZIghazi n. A Muslim warrior who fights in war against non-Muslims, especially one who has won renown as a martial…
Ghazi prop.n. A surname from Arabic.
GHAZI n. (Arabic) a Muslim warrior who has fought the infidel.
HANGIhangi n. (New Zealand) A traditional Māori method of cooking food using heated rocks buried in a pit oven.
hangi n. (New Zealand, uncountable) Food cooked in this way.
hāngī n. Alternative spelling of hangi.
LAIGHLAIGH adj. (Scots) low, also LAICH.
LAIGH n. a piece of low-lying ground; a hollow.
THAGIthagi n. Alternative form of thuggee.
THAGI n. (Hindi) murder and robbery by thugs, also THUGGEE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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