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There are 16 five-letter words containing A, E, R and Z

AZUREazure n. (Countable and uncountable) The clear blue colour of the sky; also, a pigment or dye of this colour.
azure n. (Heraldry) A blue colour on a coat of arms, represented in engraving by horizontal parallel lines.
azure n. (Poetic) The unclouded sky; the blue vault above.
BRAZEbraze v. (Transitive) To cover with brass, or as with brass.
braze v. To join two metal pieces, without melting them, using heat and diffusion of a jointing alloy of capillary thickness.
braze v. (Obsolete) To burn or temper in fire.
CRAZEcraze n. (Archaic) craziness; insanity.
craze n. A strong habitual desire or fancy.
craze n. A temporary passion or infatuation, as for some new amusement, pursuit, or fashion; a fad.
DAZERDAZER n. something that dazes.
GAZERgazer n. One who gazes.
GAZER n. one who gazes.
GRAZEgraze n. The act of grazing; a scratching or injuring lightly on passing.
graze n. A light abrasion; a slight scratch.
graze n. The act of animals feeding from pasture.
HAZERhazer n. One who administers acts of hazing, or abusive initiation.
hazer n. The rodeo performer who hazes the steer.
HAZER n. one who hazes, a tease.
MAZERmazer n. (Obsolete) The maple tree, or maple wood.
mazer n. (Archaic or historical) A large drinking bowl made from such wood; a mazer bowl.
Mazer prop.n. A surname.
RAZEDrazed v. Simple past tense and past participle of raze.
razed adj. (Obsolete) Slashed or striped in patterns.
RAZE v. to demolish, also RASE.
RAZEErazee n. (Nautical) An armed ship with its upper deck cut away, and thus reduced to the next inferior rate, such…
razee v. (Transitive, nautical) To cut (a ship) down to a smaller number of decks, and thus to an inferior rate or class.
razee v. (Transitive, figurative) To trim or abridge by cutting off parts.
RAZERrazer n. Someone who razes.
RAZER n. one who razes, also RASER.
RAZESrazes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of raze.
Razes prop.n. Plural of Raz.
RAZE v. to demolish, also RASE.
WAREZwarez n. (Internet slang, leetspeak, dated) Software that is illegally obtained or distributed.
warez v. (Internet slang, leetspeak, dated) To obtain a copy of (software or other works of authorship) illegally.
WAREZ n. illegally copied computer software which has had its protection codes deactivated.
ZAIREzaire n. (Historical) The unit of currency of Zaire.
Zaire prop.n. (Historical) A former country (1971-1997) in Central Africa; now the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
zaïre n. The former currency of Zaïre.
ZEBRAzebra n. Any of three species of subgenus Hippotigris: E. grevyi, E. quagga, or E. zebra, all with black and…
zebra n. (Sports, slang) A referee.
zebra n. (Medicine, slang) An unlikely diagnosis, especially for symptoms probably caused by a common ailment…
ZERDAzerda n. (Archaic) The fennec (Vulpes zerda).
ZERDA n. (Arabic) a desert fox, aka fennec.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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