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List of 5-letter words containing

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There are 11 five-letter words containing A, E, O and P

APODEapode n. Any animal without any feet or foot-like organs.
APODE n. an animal without feet or fins, also APOD.
OLPAEolpae n. Plural of olpe.
OLPE n. (Greek) a Greek jug.
OPERAopera n. (Music) A theatrical work, combining drama, music, song and sometimes dance.
opera n. (Music) The score for such a work.
opera n. A building designed for the performance of such works; an opera house.
PAEDOpaedo n. (Britain slang, countable) A paedophile.
paedo n. (Britain slang, uncountable) paedophilia.
paedo adj. (Britain slang) Paedophile, paedophiliac.
PAEONpaeon n. (Poetry) A foot containing any pattern of three short syllables and one long syllable.
PAEON n. (Latin) a foot of four syllables, one long and three short, also PAEONIC.
PAREOpareo n. A wraparound garment, worn by men or women, similar to a Malaysian sarong.
PAREO n. (Tahitian) a Polynesian wraparound skirt, also PAREU.
PASEOpaseo n. A public path or avenue designed for walking, sometimes for dining or recreation.
PASEO n. (Spanish) a walk; a street or promenade.
POAKEPOAKE n. (Shakespeare) a poke, a bag.
PORAEPORAE n. (Maori) a large edible sea-fish of New Zealand waters.
POTAEPOTAE n. (Maori) a hat.
PSOAEpsoae n. Plural of psoas.
PSOAS n. (Greek) a muscle of the pelvic region.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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