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There are 20 five-letter words containing A, E, M and Y

AZYMEazyme n. (Archaic) unleavened bread used in Jewish or Christian religious context.
AZYME n. unleavened bread, also AZYM.
BEAMYbeamy adj. Resembling a beam in size and weight; massy.
beamy adj. (Archaic) Having horns or antlers.
beamy adj. (Nautical) Having much beam or breadth; wide.
CYMAEcymae n. Plural of cyma.
cymæ n. Plural of cyma.
CYMA n. (Latin) a curved moulding, also CYMATIUM.
EMBAYembay v. (Transitive, obsolete) To bathe; to steep.
embay v. (Transitive) To shut in, enclose, shelter or trap, such as ships in a bay.
EMBAY v. to enclose in a bay.
ETYMAetyma n. Plural of etymon.
ETYMON n. the true origin of a word.
GAMEYgamey adj. Having the smell, taste and texture of game meat.
gamey adj. Plucky, spirited or gritty.
gamey adj. Risque, sordid or sexually suggestive.
MAMEYmamey n. The evergreen tree Mammea americana, or its edible fruit.
mamey n. The flowering plant Magnolia guatemalensis.
mamey n. The tree Pouteria sapota, or its fruit.
MATEYmatey adj. (UK) Sociable or friendly.
matey n. (Informal) Diminutive of mate, friend.
matey n. (Nautical, slang) A fellow sailor; often used affectedly, especially when portraying a pirate.
MAYBEmaybe adv. Modifies a verb, indicating a lack of certainty: it may be (that)...
maybe adv. (As a pro-sentence) Perhaps that is true (expressing no commitment to a decision or a neutral viewpoint…
maybe adv. (UK, meiosis) Certainly.
MAYEDmayed v. Simple past tense and past participle of may.
MAY v. to gather flowers in the spring.
MAZEYmazey adj. Obsolete form of mazy.
MAZEY adj. winding or convoluted as a maze; confused, dizzy, also MAZY.
MEALYmealy adj. Resembling meal (the foodstuff).
mealy adj. The pale yellow color of a canary.
mealy n. A canary of a pale yellow color.
MEANYmeany n. Alternative spelling of meanie.
Meany prop.n. A surname from Irish.
MEANY n. a nasty person, also MEANIE.
MEATYmeaty adj. Of, relating to, or containing meat.
meaty adj. Resembling meat in flavour, etc.
meaty adj. Of a person or a body part, large and solid.
REAMYReamy prop.n. A surname.
REAMY adj. creamy, frothy.
SAMEYsamey adj. (Informal) The same as something else, without variety, monotonous.
SAMEY adj. (colloquial) boringly alike, monotonous.
SEAMYseamy adj. Sordid, squalid or corrupt.
seamy adj. Having or showing a seam.
SEAMY adj. unpleasant.
YAMENyamen n. A residence of an official of the Chinese Empire.
YAMEN n. (Chinese) the offices and residence of a mandarin, also YAMUN.
YEALMyealm n. Alternative form of yelm.
yealm v. Alternative form of yelm.
YEALM v. to prepare straw for thatching, also YELM.
YSAMEYSAME adj. (Spenser) together.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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