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List of 5-letter words containing

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There are 9 five-letter words containing A, E and 2G

AGGERagger n. A high tide in which the water rises to a given level, recedes, and then rises again.
agger n. A low tide in which the water recedes to a given level, rises, and then recedes again.
agger n. (Historical) In ancient Roman construction, an earthwork; a mound or raised work.
AGGIEaggie n. (Informal) Marble or a marble made of agate, or one that looks as if it were made of agate.
aggie n. (US, informal) An agricultural school, such as one of the state land-grant colleges.
aggie n. (US, informal) A student or alumnus of such a school.
AGOGEagoge n. In ancient Greek music, tempo or pace; rhythmical movement.
agoge n. Melodic motion upward or downward by successive scale-steps: same as ductus in medieval music.
agoge n. (Historical) A rigorous training regimen for Spartan men in preparation for army service.
EGGAReggar n. Any moth of the family Lasiocampidae.
EGGAR n. any of several large brown moths, also EGGER.
GADGEgadge n. Alternative form of gadje (“non-Romani person”).
gadge n. Alternative form of gadgie (“man”).
GADGE n. an instrument of torture.
GAGEDgaged v. Simple past tense and past participle of gage.
GAGE v. to pledge as security.
GAGERgager n. A measurer.
Gager prop.n. A surname.
GAGER n. one who gauges; an officer whose business it is to ascertain the contents of casks, also GAUGER.
GAGESgages n. Plural of gage.
Gages prop.n. Plural of Gage.
GAGE v. to pledge as security.
GAUGEgauge n. A measure; a standard of measure; an instrument to determine dimensions, distance, or capacity; a standard.
gauge n. An act of measuring.
gauge n. An estimate.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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